Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


Wait could it be for the F-20 ? : O

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I do hope the 120 and 77 are dangerous, shot from 25-35km at above M1 in a TWS soft lock.

The question I have is I don’t see RU getting anything after the Su-27 this update. I think they change the 27 to the 27SM or they don’t and it won’t get the 77 and the 29SMT will be the fox 3 aircraft for RU? I hope we get a 27 with the 77 but I don’t see it with how good the 27 is right now.

And before anyone goes crazy and says RU main syndrome…I do want the 120 to be the new top missile, I do like my 16C and 15A too even if I have more games in my MiG’s and 27, the MiG’s and 27 look better though in my opinion.


Not to mention how much time and money was used to try and fix the Ajax’s problems, which the UK MOD really doesnt have much of a surplus of

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Do they do decals under this new event system?

Because if it is like I said before the F-20 is the prize for the upcoming air event.


Right so it turns out that symbol is not in fact Chinese it’s Korean for blood.

Now that is very strange as we don’t have any Korean vehicles in game yet.

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iit2 a2trology my guy.

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Are you serious? XD

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I thought it was the astrology Gemini sign. was it not?
ah ya, it is.


Ah never mind then hehe

hmm 21 may and 21 June isn’t that when the second update of the year releases ?
In that time fame

K9 thunder aka Vidar

K2 black panther aka Altay
Turkey time


i dont know if it would end up as a whole tech tree but if it does watch me abandon my sweden grind to go for it and in case it ends up as a sub tech tree, for what nation would it be?

Likely Italy if the T-129 is any indication

Altay is like if the Leo 2 and the K2 had an illegitimate child

doubt it 2 subtrees in a row for italy as much as italy its suffering this would be not only weird but ilogical wich makes me belive its gonna be a tech tree

Well its because the T129 is based off Italian designs so does the 104.
For altay, independent Turkey, if not, pan-Korea.
Not for you personally, but I just dont get why everyone thinks Turkey is under Italy. Like we know they were both “Rome” at once but thats where they stop. However I would prefer Turkey over Hungary ten fold since it has a lot of unique stuff.

i got a feeling like something unexpected will happen in this update like a korean tech tree or something i can feel it

The whole turkey addition is just wild speculation in the first place, when its most likely the german premium