Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I hope not,atm all nations have BVR capable plane. Tho some are worse than others like J-8F or 29SMT vs 16C/Baz

If by “BVR capable” you mean ARH missile capable, no, not all nations do.

Okay, all but Germany.

Isarel doesn’t have one i think all their F16s that they have right now didn’t use them correct or am i wrong
Oh of course Germany how did i forget Germany

They have the F-15 tho.

Could that one have AMRAAMS

Considering they still use them to today,i´d say yes. Tho they upgraded them to Cs iirc.

Well guess they got to grind another one for AMRAAMS

No amraams In next update

You can’t know that.


It either next one or the one after
Im betting its this one as Sweden is gonna get their Gripen C which only difference between it and the A they can make is AMRAAMS

2S38 is inferior to the 2S25M.
In-fact, 2S38 is absent from my 11.7 lineup entirely cause it’s bad for 11.7 compared to 2S25M.
2S38 is only in my 10.0 lineup cause it’s the best SPAA they get for that BR, a 9.3 SPAA with a 10.0BR but it’s good enough.
And it can defend itself from spawn campers or push and be safer.

Next major seems most probable for AARHs.


What? Germany gets AMRAAMs with F-4F ICE which is the most obvious development item.
Japan’s without a modest AMRAAM carrier though unless Thailand is ready.

Wdym, F-15J is right there. AAM-4 and done.

That’s pre-MSIP F-15J, it cannot fire AMRAAMs.
None of the F-15s in WT can fire AMRAAMs.

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This has never stopped Gaijin. If its pre-MSIP then why it have flares. Same for 15A. They dont care, they just slap missles on it anyways, cause the planes are already frankensteins.

It literally stops Gaijin on everything.
There is no aircraft in WT that fires a missile it cannot IRL.


There is. Barak

Gripen skyflash

Another decal unique to China, but must be purchased in RMB

lolwat? All F-16s ever made can fire AIM-9Ms.

Nah, Skyflash is accurate.
I had incorrect information previously that it couldn’t.