Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I agree there

:) i guess you have

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whats up mate, the Python-4 is a 4 Generation missile developed by rafael, the Python-4 have a lot of advantages over the Python-3 one of those are the incorporation of an IRCCM technology, better range, kinematics and pull, compared to the R-73 the Python-4 doesnt have TVC thing that makes the R-73 a better dogfighting missile in really close quarters, but the Python-4 have the advantage at medium or “long” ranges, because the missile have a powerfull motor that burns for a considerable period of time, but the missile itself needs to accelerate and reach a considerable speed to archive the maximum pull, but its not all good, the missile have its drawbacks the multiple surface controls makes the Python-4 a missile with a considerable drag soo whats this means, it means for example that if the target is manouvering a lot at 3+ km from the missile at mach, the Python-4 would bleed a lot of energy fast, i see the Python-4 in the game being a formidable missile between 2km-3,5km or 4km in good launch conditions. i hope that my informations helps you, have a nice day!


The fake lists that are actually convincing.


The CSP tells me its fake

where do you get the leaks from?

it was posted here before


I’m dreaming of Richelieu class but damn we don’t even have our current Dunkerque class that would be the best “counter” actual other top tier in other nation, hope they don’t just gonna give more powerfull/modern ship to other and leave us twice behind.

Also still hope for Coastal, we can’t help cap


This list would trigger german and italian mains equally
Italian mains because germany gets the tam VCA first with the italian turret
German mains because only Italy gets the marder 2

Germany wouldn’t get another premium air plane aswell because last patch germany got the tornado.
And I think not many people would buy a premium me262 because how bad they are compared to all other jets at that br

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ELTA EL/M-2052 AESA Radar, Israeli AESA radar babyy!!! the colombian Kfir C.10s were upgraded with this radar am just saying… hehe Kfir C.10 goes fiuummmm
you have the brochure here if you want it.
and thats not all israel upgraded some of their F-15 with this radar hehe thats even more interesting!!!
and thats not all too the Indian HAL Tejas use this radar.
the Korean KF-21 Boramae was fitted with this radar too xd, israel have a lot of customers around the world bro haha

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Yeah this is one of my more controversial takes but I would prefer them to surge ahead with ships like Bismarck, Vanguard/KGV, Richelieu, Nagato etc and decompress to somewhere like 7.7 so that the 6.3+ environment is a little more balanced.

It’s a huge jump but its been like 2 years since scharn was added and still she has no true counter.

But I see where you are coming from, Germany for example has 2 Bayern class ships, these were literally made to counter the R and QE class from the UK and yet not one of the 10 possible ships are in-game when the bayerns were historically better.

Alternatively, I’d want to see Britain receive the R and QE class, Russia receives its loaned R class, Japan Mutsu, France Dunkerque/Strasbourg and Normandie, Italy Francesco Carriocolo. But only if they could do this before the end of the year.


So best thing to do is give them Bismarck ? xD

Bismarck has a thinner belt, I’d also want her at like 7.7 and with a counter of Richelieu, KGV or preferably Vanguard, Mutsu, etcetera.

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If im not mistaken i think Nagato class would be a step up in armor design…in particular around the magazine but my knowledge is limited

Don’t know how I missed this. The Kamov menace grows!

The belt is on the thinner side but i think the barbettes are very thick, i’m just basing that on what i’ve seen from the Japanese speaking side of the naval player base, when I saw the leak featuring Mutsu I didn’t see anyone saying it would be broken.

Perhaps in a pre-reconstruction armour scheme at first and then a later armour scheme too.

Admittedly im not so sure. @長門 may know more

Armour Scheme

Nagato protection - Naval History Forums

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Yeah I saw this, I’ve been searching for a video of the starstreak missile slapping a Ka-50 when it impacts its tail so it can be bug reported or disputed or something.

Because it should be a kill? Or because the Starstreak was credited with a destruction?

i see it as a nerf