Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

All these vehicles would be so nice for UK techtree. Especially the light tanks and Spaas*. Tracked rapier my beloved!

Yeah, they could fill an entire major update with British vehicles (especially light tanks) that they’ve just… skipped.


No light tank can take on top tier MBTs, they can be viable in top tier as supporting tanks, thats common sense.

I did not mean bias as in ‘pilot sniped by a stalinium bullet from 200km again!’
I mean it as the big 3 trees are given more vehicles than any other tree.

I want to see the scorpion so badly. I have such a love for it since I played mercenaries 2 world in flames.


That is two for the bingo card

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Well, except the 2S38. That thing can one shot the Chally 2. Had it happen the other day. and if it has ATGM like the BMP, then it can also quite easily kill any Chally 2. (and I was in the OES with all that extra armour designed especially for countering both types of threat)


Yeah, my only worry is the appauling state of HESH. I dont think they ever used an APDS shell (I could very much be wrong about that) but at least something like the Scimitar could be great. Though maybe a Scorpion 90 would be a better choice just to mitigate the performance of HESH

Oh no, you got the OES? Im at least waiting for the model rework for the challengers.

M10 Booker, CV90120, TAM 2C, and 2S25M.
It’s why I’m excited for M10 Booker’s addition to replace my HSTVL’s primary role.
I doubt its coming this update though.
My rumors about this update are vertical targeting changes for tanks, AMRAAMs, and improved armor profiles.


Is the mentioning of submarines on it as well? If not I think we will get them this year for sure. Hopefully next update.

Yeah… Ive been good recently so had some change to spare, so decided to go for it. The grind was killing me in a non-premium and its not too bad with the recent changes.

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I pray we get subs soon, naval is shell lobbing simulator atm, subs will begin to change that.

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Exactly it would give naval more depth and it would open a door for ASW planes and helicopters and so much more.

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Yeah, im looking forward to those. Didnt do many matches in them, but I did have fun. I just hope they arent added to the Germany, US and Japan only though. Would want my British Subs.

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Yeah in the sense then can eventually kill an MBT after a few shots, but really they will all still have to side shot tanks and play in the same sort of way to the AJAX, PUMA and BMP2M.

Britain had such cool subs as well and so many ASW assets. But yeah sorry for the off topic I didn’t want to divert your discussion guy’s.

Just need Javelin (ATGM) on the Ajax :P

Having ASW helis would help with the only problem my most wanted nation has.

Lack of helicopters with anti-vehicle weapons bar ASW stuff.


We need overpressure buffed for ATGMs as well.

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