Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Italy fits in there somewhere, also.

Probably, usually paired with Germany

I props change it in the morning.

But yea I thought we were done with the Indian speculation but now that thing pop up

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Im actually hoping it shakes up the meta. and they are effective, because if they arent, the FA2 is gunna suffer

There can be only one workable theory now.

Gaijin is collecting as much as it can for a Indian tech tree

I feel like that’s going to highly depend on the multipathing since being able to hug the ground and easily ignore them really takes the wind out of the ARH’s sail, so to speak.

Yep, that is my main fear. THey are just gunna be SARH but a little better.

though if that is the case. Then Sea Harrier FA2 at 11.3 please

I simply want them to enjoy modern sim in general and to finally get some high-end 3rd gens

Yep, that would be good

first you say I support a second British sub tree.

Later, you say I’m blaming Germany (I don’t know what)

Blame Germany for its history?
blame gaijin for not inventing fictional airplanes for germany?
Or blame the community for trying to find options to improve the gaming experience of one of the most popular War Thunder technology trees?

You are saying that Germany needs foreign vehicles, despite there being other options. You now also say that there aren’t, a blatantly untrue notion. You are blaming Germany for something that is Gaijins fault.

And only better in the sense of being able to change direction after firing them. However at long range you still need to keep pointed at them to give TWS + datalink a chance to help the ARH get its own lock.

Yep, exactly. Though that DL bit is what gives me the most hope. You arent quite as dependent on the missile. You can unleash the power of these radars, like the Blue Vixen to guide the missiles onto target. Im guessing in theory. you could guide them in all the way to the target

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@Motherhen357 can you sus out any more Indian things please m8

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However, I’m not blaming anyone. We only speculate about the future of Germany (we also did it with the UK and the CW option)

Just think about this: Germany is probably the most played nation in WT. The flow of vehicles that Germany received has decreased in recent years. People want new additions in every update. Demand is increasing more and more and Germany’s options in the air are already running out (not counting the gaps and lack of CAS options).

What are all those options that you say Germany has?
How much longer will these options be able to maintain the flow of incorporations?
Again, are you aware that people want new vehicles every update and that Germany is one of the most popular TTs and finally, that Gaijin is a company and not a history book?

The German air tree at the higher tiers has been one of the most neglected ones all the way back to the MiG-19S. Every vehicle other than the MiG-21MF and Tornado IDS ASSTA1 has come after other nations’ options, especially the MiG-21bis-SAU, which came in the same update as Russia got the MiG-23MLD, and the MiG-23MLA, which came months later. On top of that, the MiG-23MF not only was added as an event vehicle, but also ages after the MiG-23M, which it is a literal copy and paste of, not even counting the F-4F Early situation.

As for what those options are, trialed vehicles like the F-16 and F-15, and pre-production Typhoons.

Finally, you don’t need to be a history book to have common sense.

hope for it builded by HAL

In my opinion, that is almost a reason to not give Germany a constant stream.

Would quite like to see the other 7 nations get some serious TLC, fill their gaps, shore up their line ups, fix their kits.

Then maybe we would have more people playing those minor nations instead. Its a little bit of a self fulfilling prophecy if the big 3 always get a lot.

Well looking at things we may see a Indian tree very soon.

As gaijin just teased yet another aircraft but this time a bomber

Which that a massive give away as they hardly give out any bombers

To be honest, actually. Its not a bad idea. Would be a good “Red-for” nation too.