Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


Air-to-air missiles

As well as the AIM-9Bs you get on the S.2, the S.2B can also carry AIM-9Gs and AIM-9Ls. Obviously the AIM-9L is not available on fixed wing aircraft in game yet, but when all-aspect IR missiles are added to air battles a pair of AIM-9Ls will give the S.2B excellent self-defence capability. In the mean time a pair of AIM-9Gs would be a very welcome upgrade over the AIM-9Bs we currently have.


In terms of unguided bombs your options are pretty much the same as the S.2 we currently have in game: up to 16,000 lb of 500 lb or 1,000lb bombs. However the S.2B can also carry a Pavespike target designator pod, allowing it to self designate targets for it’s own 1,000 lb Paveway laser guided bombs, or designate targets for other friendly aircraft. While laser guided bombs are not in game yet the will likely come at some point.

How things have changed

  1. I never said UK would get another sub tree.
  2. I was just showing that there is another pattern similar to the Indian, besides Hungary.

And it has already been demonstrated that by folding some aircraft, Germany can obtain an Argentine line of aircraft.

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It showed up a few times in the video:

( )



too many signs, hard to ignore.

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The Finnish line came before the foldering, so no, Germany cannot unless the tech tree as a whole is restructured.

Gaijin does seem to have an obsession with India lately. Whether this means something, however is yet to be seen.


Oh god now I have so many questions

I’m just waiting for a Yugoslavian tree because the collectionist inside me doesn’t have enough T-72 variants (sorry)

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Well now with the B-57 I can firmly say gaijin is cooking for something

The modern Serbian M-84s are some of the coolest looking tanks there are, namely the M-84AS1 late and M-84AS2. On top of that, Serbia has made quite a few awesome AA vehicles, like the PASARS-16 and HARPAS.

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I wouldn’t say that grouping together some German aircraft was considered a large-scale restructuring like the last one was. However, a new line would justify any minor restructuring at TT Air.

Truth be told, on the one hand the German air TT needs to be reworked (Argentina, Swiss or whatever) and on the other hand I want to be honest with you here: I would love to see most of the Argentinian vehicles and that will only happen with a Latin American combined TT (I’ve already said this many times).

I support the incorporation of Argentine aircraft in Germany because I am a German main player in the game and I think they could strengthen the CAS options on the ground. If they put Swiss planes instead of Argentine ones I will be happy anyway.

b-57? Excuse me that is a Canberra


The German air tree does not need to be restructured, and it doesn’t need help from foreign nations. They have options. Stop blaming Germany for something that is Gaijins fault.

I agree, it is still in the evaluation stage.

Since B-57 is more safe option than the full name since I’m on my phone and tired as hell

Those are the international rules im afraid.

Step 1: Blame the French.

If it absolutely cant the be the Frenchs fault move onto step 2

Step 2: Blame the Germans

if it absolutely cant be the Germans Fault move onto step 3

Step 3: Blame the Americans

If it absolutely cant be the Americans Fault move onto Step 4

Blame the Russians.

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What tier are you at? 1, 2, or 14?

I’ll let you off this time : P

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I feel like people do this all the time and honestly it gets annoying. Some notable examples I remember is people crapping themselves about the EJ Kai because it has the “omg F-16 radar, too OPPPP”. Then the Type 10 “omg 4 second reload 600mm+ pen OPPPP”.

My personal beef with that mentality is now with the F-2 with “AESA AESA OPPP” but what is the F-2? An F-16C with slightly better flight performance akin to F-16AJ/Gripen with the same loadout as the F-15J currently in-game. We all know they won’t model AESA “accurately” either and it’ll be WIP but people still throw AESA out like a buzzword without realizing what they’re saying. On top of that, there’s the XF-2A that they could just throw AN/APG-68 from the F-16C and call it a day and it would actually be plausible unlike the AJ we have right now.


Going back to the AIM-120 though, absolutely people overestimate the impact of ARHs in current top tier meta. IMO, the biggest impact will be in ground battles like ground RB where you can deny the skies to CAS up in high altitude. Force them down to low altitude and then take em out with IRCCM smokeless IR missiles.