Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

flashback to PUMA APFSDS
yeah… totally western sources they use at gaijin HQ…
whatever makes you sleep better at night…

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honestly I’d be surprised if germany published anything on the Puma

lol where have you been hiding?
we have the manufactuer sources for the dart. 2 of them. gaijin still claims they have a better one…

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they have published a lot of stuff, front armor values are now a thing since we found out it uses AMAP-B for front and side armor

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actual sources or advertisements?

yeah actual sources from KNDS and Rheinmetall and oerlikon who makes the ammo


you dug it up iirc, right?

hell i did lol i was the one who found the info about the PUMA shell weight in the oerlikon page

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thanks again for this mate. real mvp :D

nah funny enough it was on accident while i was digging around pages for the ammo of the skyranger 30 i ended up in oerlikon and saw PMC 287 and took a look at it and i was like “o wait we needed this didnt we?”


Willi Odermatt doesn’t work for Gaijin.
There are no Russian sources used for APFSDS in War Thunder for any round’s penetration.
It’s exclusively Willi Odermatt.
And western APFSDS has their accurate penetrations.

Yeah, same with F-15 only really getting good in C variant yet people still heard “Eagle” and went crazy about it.

But speaking about AIM-120C-5 I don’t think it would introduce much over AIM-120B unless Gaijin would actually model chaff rejection, ECCM, low altitude performance and other differences between seeker variants, as well as introduce ECM warfare into the game. Without these additions difference between AIM-120B and AIM-120C-5 would only be the max range and maybe smaller notch gate.

Also they need to change multipath altitude depending on missile.

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errr you might not like this

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since differences in seeker head type also weren’t imemented for Fox 1s I doubt they’ll implement that for Fox 3

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You know their sources how?


Cause Gaijin is open about their their source being Longrods by Willi Odermatt.

Or this

yep I think the same

and honestly who can blame them? we’ll still have noticeable diffrences between missiles and at the pase we get new content we really can’t expect every aircraft to be a Full fidelity DCS module