Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

if the game was 100% historically accurate it wouldn’t be any fun and neither any fair

just imagine if BR was dependant on the vehicles introduction to service

current top tier Air would be facing 10.0 ground

To me, it’s less the derby performance and more the rest of the aircraft.

Does the FRS51 have the radar performance, IR missiles or even the engine upgrade that the FA2 has. Might be better having the 51 derby-less just for the much lower BR

Yeah even with better seeker technology in Derby I expect it to behave very similar to other missiles with similar range / flight performance (AIM-120B or R-77 for example). And while it won’t be exactly historical I think it’s fine for the game. They can always improve the seeker with I-Derby ER which has range exceeding 105km.

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Yeah… This protect more the usual country that are more capable on average than some others.
And specially the most played country that bring more money.

Personally I don’t expect any FOX3 Harrier to be higher than 12.3/12.7

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they’ve done this before and it’s needed for the game

remember Magic 2s story, it was mediocre until everyone else got IRCCM Missiles and now it’s good again

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I know but we really can’t influence that, gaijin is a company after all


People think the devs are some kind of AI that works 24/7 without a meal or sleep

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Yeah, I even think the FA2 would still be reasonably competitive at 12.7. I’m just not sure the 51 has enough overall for that BR. I’d rather have 10.7-11.3 without the derby, especially for a premium. Just pure IR

Would make more sense as a german premium

some people think they’re flawless gods and others belive everything bad was done intentionally

in reality they’re just humans doing their job as good as they can


yea but like that’s a good while until it can be premium

Just the Magic 2s it would be higher then the Gr7


Yes as magic 2 are the second best IRCCM missile in the game behind the R73
so higher then the GR7

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eh idk if I’d put both Above 9Ms, the smokeless motor is a kinda good advantage

Only In SB

and Ground RB the IRCCM is not as good

Especially if they ever fix Magic 2s. They’ll probably be the best