Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

but still the same deranged person?

@Deathmisser lol why delete your message

Yeah, but still, no magic 2 for us.

We can also talk about squadron vehicle if you want, we are the only country without any of them for now.

I think the Indian rafale should go to UK as they will lack a naval fighter

remind me where i talked to you

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Dude I’m sorry but you are the irl version Woody meme

well back to the banlist you multi go, which idiot gives his multi the old name of his account in the first place

what the hell @RazerVon @AlvisWisla


whats wrong with my name


lol I’m living rent free in someone’s head.


We all knew it should have and would have been 10.7/11.0 if it was any other nation. Hopefully it will move up next BR change

Yes and no, Indian Jags would likely have gone to Britain regardless

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Lmao UK on the way to have every Eurocanard in the game


but but… french missles

Should have joked more on you when Sweden was the better Germany.

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Missiles are like 1/3rd of a plane so it clearly 1/3 French and should of gone to them /j

u still can, sweden still is the better germany lol

2a7 is not enough to make you capable? Sad.

Yeah, but it was Britain/BAE that sold India the Jag not France


ah yes 1 2a7v vs 3 strv122 with better armor and hull and turret spall liners, which 2a5/6 dont have and the pso is still missing totaly comparable


but but… German tank…