Heck, the Skink is a very bad SPAA it’s not only an over-BRed 3.3 tank, it’s guns that are barely usable at 4.7 that M24 you complain about it’s at best a sidegrade.
which country?
Boo hoo American mains never learn
UK is asking for a stop gap
Canada the one whos head of state is the king
Or the F-15A!
Also these arguments are pointless and a waste of time gaijin adds whatever ever they want to whomever they want if it means filling gaps pointless arguments…if they deem a CF-18 is necessary then they will if not then they won’t simple as that.
but the havnt added the f18, so why would britain of all countries get it when britian has the gripen
Canada or Australia but this was when we thought the 80’s Hornet would come which the CF-188 was a C&P of.
Some of us still would like that(namely people form the nations whose Hornet is from in question)
Actually no, I lost so much of my remaining sanity playing top tier US before the BR change, I won’t wish that upon other players.
You could ask why I continued playing top tier US then, in which case I would refer again to the reduced sanity.
EDIT: well I did also grind the 2A7V, FlaRakRad, up to and including the KF41, VT-4A1 and TOR-M1 so I guess I didn’t only play top tier US.
They were discussing this before the Gripen sir
does anyone have an idea of when the devblogs will be released?
The developers I assume
damn you and take my like
this week or next
it will be soon
Well no, the P59 is an American jet in the American tree.
Canada isn’t a tree.
See the Ram and Leopard C2A.
For some reason, this is a difficult concept to understand. Gaijin will place Canadian vehicles in trees they believe has closer ties to the vehicle.
The F18 is an American vehicle and should be added to the US tree as a premium or squad vehicle.
Hell, if American mains want to cry this much, why doesn’t Gaijin just take the QF 3.7 Ram from Britain and give it to the US because “MuH aMeRiCaN hUlL”
It uses the same hull as the Ram.
I’m being sarcastic but I’m surprised no American main has mentioned it before.
P-59 for britain when
p 59 when?
No they said that they place them in the British tree when needed
This overrights all previous actions sir
The ADATS which is on American hull is in the British tree