Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Does turkey have their own apfsds like SK or do they licence another nations like from america or SK themselves?

germany has massive CAS problems at those areas and it would solve the problem of the top tier gen 4 fox 3 fighter,
You realy are only fighting it for the sake of fighting it when i pointed out valid points, in the exact same setenece

“Plus UK has more then enough on their own to fill a tree they dont need handouts from another nation that adds nothing new to UKs already… “unique” Ground tree”

Fits perfectly well into your sentence lmao

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Difference between that is the majority of the uk tree is unique compared to el soviet style in germany

what does that have to do with this matter lol? germany has unique vehicles in cold war era as well, plenty even, you could even remove all the ground sovjet vehicles

So again what we learned the argentinian air sub tree would fit into germany, would resolve multiple problems. It is not required that an ground tree exists. Everything 1 to 1 like Uk

I’m talking about the fact that there’s already five lines, not that there’s enough vehicles.

btw i would have argue that specialy israel, maybe japan, should have gotten an sub tree before italy even

Fine… argentina is ok…

Turkey produces licensed Israeli M322 120mm Sabot as MOD 290.
New 120mm Sabots can be acquired likely from SK, as well as from Germany
and Turkish should be developing something of their own by now
Turkey does have some 120mm HEAT-MP-T and HE-T rounds of their own.

And yes italy should really have gotten a sub tree yet… tbh japan is been in the game since when and still hasnt gotten a tree to fill its… rather lax high and mid tiers


*shouldnt ?

thx, nothing we can really do about the hungary thing now anyhow… just gotta hope they add something to japan… and israel as both really lack… stuff such as ifvs for israel

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yeah, specialy israel, would be enough for now if they got damn auxilary vehicles, their lights or finaly top tier spaa god damn.
At the same time, italys sub tree addition could have solved italys spaa problem, could have been greek and given italy a god damn Tor M1. I would bet italian players would have prefered that over the broken KF41 lol

I mean they can still get the Sky ranger lynx that hungary has bought


No physical versions have appeared yet sadly…

I am sure the Greek players wont be to happy(they kicked Italys ass during the war)

What is this from? I need it.

ehhhhhhh, wouldnt solve the issue, the skyranger is another Otomatic only with some manpad missles and programmable ammo instead of proxy ammo. More advanced gepard 1a2 so to say.

The skyranger wont solve the problem of lacking surface to air missle spaas, that can defeat planes 10km or even 5km away

Besides that skyranger version already exist plenty of other chassis if you are intrested to look at those. But its final development stages to finish the plans what the turret will end up having so to say.
Hungary is getting KF41 chassis
Germany is getting Boxer
Denmark wanted Piranha i think

u mean as happy as the indians were to be added to the UK?

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Well, there is always the T-62 No.545

Maybe. Gaijins requirements are that it was either laid down or (iirc) the plan was finalized and at least some components were manufactured for the ship. I don’t think this fits either of those.

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Polish/Netherland F16 would be great though

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