Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Theres not much difference between AIM120B and AIM120D. Ohhh, you saying range? Riiiggghhtt. Well we don’t have maps spanning 400 kms you know? The G limit is the same yk? the speed is the same yk? the radar are not so crazy yk? F35 is insane IRL and beat any F15 and whatever, but in-game? Won’t be so crazy. Good tho.

10k soon.

bruh :sob:


Oh yeah ofc any f18 can. Idk what I said that was so crazy for your minds. Its stated that f18 is not coming next update so thats it. Ok you guys are saying that F18 is so much more agile than gripen, so be it. Believe that. I’m not here to change your opinion I just stated my facts.

Can’t tell if he’s dumb or high or both


You’re just yapping.

fair enough, that sounds great ( well for us, not necesarily the president that might lose his head) but right now with the world situation definitly needed

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Literally no difference that would count in-game. Unless they add maps like DCSs to which im not against. But I doubt.

However IR missiles are another debate as Python 5s wont be so funny going march 4 with a G limit of 80. But we didn’t discuss that now. (and AIM9X and whatever yes)

Going off the tangent for a moment…
Am I the only one who has the feeling air trees were rushed starting from introduction of heatseeking missiles?

However im gonna go eat a pizza, if you guys want to attack me some more keep them thermonuclears going into my replies or even in private. Will check later!


Sir the F-35 is a 2006 plane that didn’t have its problem worked out until the mid-2010s.

We are talking 4 Gen which has yet to yet come in its 80s version.

Hech the Eurofighter is 4.5 and Smin said to too stronge for the game right now.

You listed than Sweden have capable homemade modern jet so i don’t see the point to give things that would not fill gap.

No not rlly, idk i didnt rlly play from the start of the thing

First off, nobody said the F18 is more agile than the Gripen, we were just saying it’s agile. Secondly you said that the F18 shouldn’t come before a new Gripen variant because Sweden mains would be upset, but now your argument invalidates that because “why not”


They have the line so they will get it

I would say yeah they went somewhat fast

Unfortunately Sub-tree. Like it or not Sweden gets everything Finnish from now own.

ok im on phone. Buddy I clearly stated that F18 should come BUT IN AN UPDATE AFTER THE ONE COMING NOW. I just wont argue anymore with you because I already stated that too many times

lets forget about f18 ok? Ok.