Same here, man, same here
There’s so much good stuff we’ve missed out on (fair enough to Gaijin, they wanted to get the money-making stuff added first). Also, I’ve seen lots of cool ideas for either sub trees or entirely new trees, as well as just vehicles themselves that I’d love to see brought in
Who cares about that? Gimme my FA-50 Block 10
I feel like the FA-50 won’t be coming for a bit lol
Shut up and let me live with my fantasies
I’m not saying it won’t come
Honestly, it’d be a welcome addition. I could see it coming probably around early 2025
No, stations 1 and 7 do not have MIL-STD-1760 wiring for AIM-120, this was previously discussed.
It 's unexpected, but welcome !
Most likely they’re just re-running an ancient event for the fun of it. But, it 's possible they could be using it for testing new objectives and balancing measures too - if they bring back the Operation Crossbow event in the next few weeks, that might be reviewing the gameplay around that objective design ahead of adding those ballistic missiles in the files since last fall. Intercepting a Scud probably isn’t too different from intercepting an FAU-1 in terms of being a mission objective, right ?
( [Historical] Operation Crossbow - News - War Thunder )
( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/weapons/rocketguns/mgm_140_atacms.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )
The Mig23MLA does not have wiring routes for the MLD CM dispensers. It is technically impossible to retrofit export Mig23 MLAs with these CM dispensers.
I replied in the topic @_David_Bowie pleaseeeee suggest we get recieve it.
Old memories intensifies
We also don’t know what kind of ERA would’ve been developed. K-5 and Relikt both have a minimal amount of leftover ERA container that usually survived the reaction. I wonder if part of those hulls would’ve been pure NERA that would funnel the projectile between the layers. The prototype of Relikt was tested on the external areas of the 187 specifically, so could you imagine that hull PLUS the Relikt UFP arrangement?
Check the " Historical " tag on to re-familiarize on the events of the past, incase they should return once again:
Still I think the best special event ever was “Floats!”
It was so much fun. Now with the additional flying boats and float planes it would be even better and there is still tons of them to add.
The F-5G definitely feels like a perfect gap-filler and was the one I was indeed thinking about. And hell ya to the production style F-20A one, would be dope as hell as the ultimate Tigershark for the game. Knowing Gaijin tho… either they not gonna add it or probably event vehicle maybe in far future given how high up in BR and rank it would be compared to current event vehicles.
||Sidenote; say the Tigershark doesn’t come this update (or as this upcoming event plane and not in the next update after this one as well), do you see yourself making a full suggestion for it? Feels like you’re the perfect guy for the job, as out of all the other people I’ve seen on the forums, old and new, you seem to have to largest amount of information on this plane and the most qualified to make one.||
Can’t forget there is also the F/A-18L as well, which is practically the same thing, but based of the F/A-18 airframe, instead of the F-5.
it took quite a long time, and it’s probably pointless to answer, but let me add something from myself?))))
I really don’t know which of these is more difficult. Explore unknown South African machines, or make more than 10 versions of warrior simply by changing towers, and then put 4 more variants of different towers on the stormer. And if we get to the CT40 turret, then it’s literally +8 vehicles that all above 9.7.
Literally nothing), Britain does not produce tanks, it orders them from Military Companies. In particular, BAE Systems, which, although founded in Britain, does not obey it)). And BAE Systems prefers to upgrade and produce the Swedish CV90s that we already have in the game. And they also participated in the competition for the new IFV of Britain, with their CV90, wich slightly changed hull and get new CT40 gun. Name BAE FRES SV
And we get a British 10.0 IFV in 3 hours of work,
Warrior CT40
Patria CT40
Boxer CT40
Lancer IFP filted with CT40

TRACER SIKA also Filted CT40
And yes, we really don’t know how completed Ajax should be, but we know Ajax prototype, at ASCOD hull with CT40)

Chek my table again)). And It sounds crazy, but I agree that South Africa is canceling Britain’s tanks. AT THIS MOMENT, IT CANCELS THEM. If South Africa had not been there now, the issue of light armored vehicles would have been more acute and we would have received the IFV much much much much earlier. Take a look at the tech tree, we have gaps from 1.0. to 8.7, no? (the absence of AA 5.3-8.3 is not important). Well, do you need a CVR(t)? No, you have an alternative. Do you need some cool variants of atgm carrier for 8.0-8.3? No, you already have an alternative. The developers are not doing anything to diversify the gameplay on one br. Such a joke it has happened only in Britain on 8.3 (9 vehicle) and it’s great. The variety in the sets on the same br game is very much lacking. So far, the developers have not expressed a desire to endow each br with a variety of sets. And this means that everything below 8.3 in the near future can not be expected.
Maybe we get some Light Vehicle at 9.3+) but not CVR(t) :( In the current time.
South Africa is very open about their production vehicles. Even more so than Britain.
IFVs in general weren’t given attention until 2022.
I love IFVs of course, but I do admit their role in WT is variety.
Unfortunately, all, that Britain can get to the top ranks of light tanks, is the Indian Zorawar. It has already been built and is now being tested
This maybe why they are going down the Indian route atm to eventually add this
As far as I heard, they only wanted to throw Arjuns after the empty vickers mk7 branch. And Zorawar turned out to be a nice bonus)))
There is always this thing that could meet at least 10.3 but more likely around 11.0+ as it was to have a shell with over 500mm of pen at 2km, an autoloader and thermals.