Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

OES - Operational Entry Standard, also “MEGATRON”

Even the C2A1 Mexas name is worng i think
am i right @StormRyder13

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Technically speaking it’s TES 2016 fact checked that and it’s 2012 rather than 2016

The Megatron is a OES but not all OESs are MEGATRONS

There are two models, one is 2008 (TES), the other is 2013 (OES)

MEGATRON is a test vehicle, not a standardised variant

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Megatron is the one that is at Bovington

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Or a Canadian tree, it’s crazy how you are 100% than it will be in Germany.

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I’m not too sure myself either, I just try to stay optimistic.

Nothing in the leaks means either really underwhelming/no additions, a subtree or something so interesting Gaijin keeps it a bit more secure for a proper devbolg/teaser to show it.

That’s a good 66% of it being something good!

and Challenger 3TD is Challenger_2_lep

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Yes. C2A1 isn’t a real name.

the Leo 1s where C1(modifed 1A3), and C2(C1s with 1A5 turret and other minor upgrades).

In the game their a C2 with Mexas add-on armour. (or they what is said)


Just the fact than on the leak the leo have no nation mean something



let the tears flow

At least that said premium this doesn’t even say that.

We’ll be lucky if we even get a fishing boat 💀

It’s true, I took it for granted since we are waiting for a new premium.

this looks like a cosmetic that gaijin would put on a high rank premium tank. I wish they really worked

I say it…a bundle for a futur Canadian tree, like when Israel appeared with the merkava MK2D

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(very real)

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I have no proof but I have the feeling it’s that!