Honestly I haven’t looked at it with this info. I still think Italy is slightly more likely, but I can’t really fully deny it potentially going to the UK now too.
Guess we will find out in a bit.
Honestly I haven’t looked at it with this info. I still think Italy is slightly more likely, but I can’t really fully deny it potentially going to the UK now too.
Guess we will find out in a bit.
the guy in the Russian video says the HE is standard
Wish my 120mm HESH was even remotely close to this lol
me too
if only hesh had a big explosive am i right
Do you think any of these videos are supposed to disprove the notion of hysterics?
They are all textbook sensationalist clickbait hysteria, leveraging the “russian bias” myth for views.
The video I posted is by one of the most skilled players in the game, hence I value his opinion.
You know, this guy.
and your showing stats as that makes him right
no it does not
he is wrong
we will im hoping for a warrior or something
“he is wrong because i dont agree with him”
are we really continuing this argumenr? isn’t there a seperate Topic for that?
I’m citing his stats to back up my claim
I don’t agree, also because of my own personal experience playing 292, fighting it and so on. It isn’t as strong as is claimed by those three you mentioned.
I’ll discontinue this discussion due to off-topic/
thank you for discontinuing it
lets talk about sth on topic for once, like why we havent seen the devblog for the mined prems yet
With vehicles like these its hard to tell. Because in that case Australian abrams should go to UK and not US, but because it was a Ambrams it did…but then you have Indian T-90S that went to UK and not Russia. Like always Gaijin isnt consistent in these things. But being it pretty much Centauro 120, i think it will go to Italy as 11.3 premium.
Probably just because it’s too early in the day. I presume the blog will be posted either today or tommorrow sometime about 4pm gmt or whatever.
don’t we pretty much know they decide these things based on which tree got a gap?
he is wrong as he said the HE is standard
go pretend to be mod somewhere else
What i think it is…,there is a part of Gaijin unable to balance vehicles correctly, but like always with any event vehicles its the growing frustration that you see it pretty much non stop due to ammount of players playing it.
that late? I always thought the blogs would come around 14:00 GMT+1
how do those relate lmoaoooo
I dont remember US having a gap that would Australian abrams fit in…but what do we know how the Snail thinks. Its a mind of a mad man