Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

They’ve explained many times they slap in whatever is ready. They seem to prioritise research and development on filling gaps or other needs, but generally it’s “Slap in whatever is lying around.”

where did you find this

I mean there is a lot that makes sense, could still just be an engineered list made from most likely additions by a non insider

So at least we know Gszabi is throwing a bet for blevdog today.

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Yeah…and with a vehicles that have 90-99% same model as in TT then it is easy to slap them in fast. If they would be carrying about filling gaps, we wouldnt have the massive gaps in SPAA lines around mid tier that most TTs have

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ik ik, it’s very likely

Ohh i know. All vehicles are possible, but list still probably fake, like most of them before the updates

= He made it in Paint


the most credible part is AlphaJet going to France, Britain but not Germany tbh油库里33


What’s the link then?

thats it my friend

ooo you caught him

Only thing i would be fine with Russia getting would be that ZSU-23-4 M4. Would be almost same equivalent to Gepard with Stingers

Ohhh shoot. Yeah. will fix that. But not that big different…both are still Doodoo…well Spikes are, dont have anything with Stingers, but i dont think they changed much

You wrote this list 11 minutes ago, right?



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This is such a depressing leak for ground if it were true, luckily there is still hope as there isn’t much evidence pointing towards this being real.

F20 premium but no pre order? GE premium?

I thought they worried about too many oremiums cannabilising pack sales. Might suck then. Ah well, will still get it.

It would make sense, since America already has two tier 7 pack premiums.

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