Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

i also dont see the US getting a M1A1 but with the lighter gun over say a M1A2 SEPV3 with Trophy APS

Possibly. I just was commenting on why the US would just get another F-15 that’s basically worse as it has the same armaments but heavier.

Also in regards to the person mistaking the F-16 for F-2. What if the person correcting it mistook an XF-2A with the demonstration paint (instead of bicolor blue) and thought it was an F-16 and not an F-2 (yes, I’m coping, how can you tell)?


PT-91… for Russia?

No air premium.
Could mean it’s legit and simply limited in knowledge on all vehicles.
Typically they add atleast 1 air premium when its fake.

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Likely to mean type 90 Squadron Command, aka the Type 90B Command tank passed to devs a few months back

iirc thats the Type 90 (T-ReCs), though it would be a rather boring premium. Something like the STC-2 is a better premium option imo.

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Well if it does get scouting it would be really nice I think. Type 90 is quick enough and JM33 is serviceable at top tier. With scouting would let us get into planes for anti-air duty quicker to shore up our anti-air defense capabilities.

Both images look fake.

T-90MS? A worse T-90M?
140mm Abrams???
3BM32??? Why?


If the mention of IRIS-T wasn’t there i would believe it more…


Its a fake leak … actually its a wish list of a redditor to which I even replied 2 days ago.

here’s the reddit post :

Not a “leak list” but these are my predictions for which vehicles will come in the next update. Thoughts? : Warthunder (


Same, but it could be like the other older leaks that had some right and some wrong.

Like the Su-34 seems to make sense to me since we have the Su-27. Kind of like how we got the Mig-29 and then the SMT.

@Raiden_Black The top one is fake yea, the bottom one is new, in that haven’t seen it before (there’s 2 “leaks” posted.

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yea … why poor PT-91?
instead add from the huge repertoire of Soviet prototypes instead.

The Leopard 2PSO-VT and the Su-34 specifically convinces me the leak-list’s fake

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I can’t speak for the Leo, but why the Su-34?

I was going to respond to your other comment, so I’ll just comment on this one instead… If implemented fully, or close to fully, it would have features not even modelled in the game yet. Good speed, great payload, and a great radar too.

The half step to this, which can stay multirole, and not like a fancy Su-24 (which is what the Su-34 basically is) is the Su-30M. Not as capable in most regards other than agility and a marginal speed difference.

tl;dr Su-34 is too advanced for right now.

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The STC with the better Japanese gun would be nice.

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From what I can read about it, it seems like any of the advanced ordinance can be restricted but the airframe seems okay? I’d imagine compared it to be a little bit of a boat.

As for the radar, if it’s the same quality as AESA then it follows what Gaijin has said with F-2 radar in that it’ll appear with other aircraft using similar radars.

I figured this is giving RU another good CAS option given that US has the F-16C and also now F-15A.

I want it to be real so i can haz f4f ice. IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG. GIB. While the game is nowhere near ready for iris-t, a platform like f4f ice would be suitable.

  • Su-34 gets added
  • Doesn’t come with a thermal targeting pod
    you know it would happen