Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

We don’t know.

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I don’t know what countries will have that, USSR/Ru has that with the Pantsir and let me tell you… If it’s a Maverick, it’s easy to intercept (I’ve shot down probably 5 or 6 now). Hellfires, most of the time will register, but I find killing the launcher (usually UAV’s) the easiest way to handle them.

Given the dimensions, the Brimstone will probably be somewhat interceptable, but spam will be a motherf’er. If I’m flying a brimstone truck, fire like 4 or 5 as possible, and you’ll probably overwhelm that one SPAA.

And while were at it, if we’re talking SEAD and CAS in general, I just had a banger of a match in the Su-39. I want to say get the MiG-29SMT is enough, but I worry that only 2xKh29TE’s isn’t competitive enough. The only alternative I believe, is the Su-30M, and I feel that firmly now. I don’t know what would fit the bill for a multirole that has a snowball’s chance in hell against competent AA, especially without thermals.


I was thinking something like that. But yeah, if we get full power Brimstones and the full amount, not a lot will be able to intercept them all.

Yeah, its probably about time the soviets got a Thermal T-Pod. Though for Britian im really hoping we get a Gen 2 pod at somepoint for the Harrier Gr7. A gen 1, on a sub-sonic 11.7, is a little insulting.

Honestly. I think soviets are gunna be a bit like Britain, with dedicated CAS for the time being, Perhaps its time for something like the Su-24? WIth Tornado and F-111 now in the game, its time for the Soviets to get their interdictor, I dont know about loadouts, but I’d imagine fairly decent and if nothing else, it will be fast like the Tornado and F-111


I think they either give the SAPSAN pod the Yak-141 treatment, or they put the Damocles in as Russia owned a few before 2014.

Imagine buying the Su-39 because it has a “high contrast pod, similar to a thermal pod” to find out it washes out in anything but pitch black haha… that definitely wasn’t me… haha… ha… ha.

You’d think China would have sent whatever the heck is on the Q-5L to Russia back in the 90’s, even that would be an upgrade lol.

I hope that some how the internal imager works better than the 27K. Otherwise it’s just going to be a 27K with but a few more bombs.


How’s this for your headline? French fries.

Here you go

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The wait between the winter patch and the spring patch is always the worst imo.


Yea at least with these new events it should be more bearable now

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It’s the longest, and after the only roughly one month between the October/November and December one, it’s made to seem longer than it actually is.

I was just coming here for that.
I’ve finally made 70 Euros on YT, and can’t wait to blow it on a new premium jet but I don’t know yet what will be added 😬
If only the premium Tornado had a bit more air to air options like 4x AIM-9’s, then it’d be worth it to me.

no reason to buy the premium tornado when the premium MiG-21Bis is already a decent grinder


I hope we get a teaser before any dev-blogs.

@Smin1080p , are we getting a teaser for upcoming update - if yes - have you seen it and is it a good one? 🤪🤩

We always do

Its still to early for any news, next week is the earliest possible time we can get anything, depends how early the update is planned, and it can vary from the start to the end of march


Bro, you have no idea how this place here works, right?


Teaser to dev streams to dev server really be the standard that happens usually within a 30 hour span in that order, and always after devblogs start.
That’s the pattern for major updates.

yeah su24 is kinda sad


Why do you tagged me? No one knows…

Since you asked for it, they will probably not post any trailer or teaser this time.


Excuse me what