The 3TD also has a turret ammo rack without blowout panels right?
No, currently L27A1 is the worst top tier shell in the game, followed by OFL 120 F1
Wouldn’t say so.
This is a big difference
Yes, it has zero armour on the outer side of the ammo rack, but no blowout pannel
Yes, no blowouts, still better than having charges all over the tank however.
yes with out so if you shoot the left side of the breech it goes straight to the ammo causing a OHKO
They really should of waited for the prototypes to come out and added them instead of the TD
I agree. Or giving to the CR3TD ahistorical upgrades like the trophy, a roof mg, spall liners on turret and blowouts until the proper cr3 comes into the game
Yeah as it just missing so much stuff that the actual one would have
it would make it functionally a CR3 anyway
Well, yeah
The engine is correct.
Is there any possibility that early legacy hornet with SARH MRAAM AIM-7 coming to Q2 or Q3 ?
Proof? By the time Obj. 292 went to trials (1990-1991), the GTD-1250 was already in use on the T-80U (1985).
properly not it will be a while
Honestly, with Gaijin’s plans, it’s looking like the 80s Hoernt will just be skipped right now.
no clue maybe missile count but im not sure it flight performance would be similar to what is in game
I believe flight performance at least on the A version would be similar if not worse then what we already have in game…and they used sparrows so not really sure why they are holding them back.
A would be comparable (or slightly worse) to F-14A but that’s with clean config. Loaded F/A-18A would have terrible performance. C would be much better thanks to stronger engines. Tho still not F-16 level
F/A-18A performance slightly worse F-14A Tomcat it’s true
But I think F/A-18A CAS & ground-attack role better F-14A & F-14B Tomcat because Air-to-Ground ordnance a wider variety than F-14B
I don’t believe it has the wrong APFSDS, Gaijin supposedly used the mock-up APFSDS which may be elusive Zaraysk. The round you speak of (Grifel) can only be fired from the 2A83 and has much penetration, 1024mm at 2000m.
The exhaust port. The GTD-1250 uses a different port design.
Visually you can tell the difference by the grill pattern, a grid for the older GTD-1000 or rectangular grille for the GTD-1250.
The years don’t mean much because it was just an old T-80BV modified for firepower testing. There wasn’t any reason to upgrade the engine just to test the 152mm cannon.
N word MBT? XD
yes, but my lawyer says that i shouldnt answer this further away