Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Some prefer the protection of the APS like me
and some prefer the speed of the 2E making is movement similar or better then other tanks

Isn’t their an Abrams with a bigger gun

no idea, but it would be only an abram with a bigger gun as well

Challenger 2E is the fastest Challenger, which get as well a CITV, better optics and a .50cal. Thats all it matters. The APS, LWS and better thermals are meaningless if it takes you 5 business days to get to the battle.

The Challenger 3TD? You trade off a bad gun for a good one, at the cost of top speed and the .50 cal.

Also let me present you:


And this is on the 2E, on some Challengers 2’s it take off the whole tank, for not talking about the fact that the breach is 2x atleast the size of the Leopard 2 one. And im not going to talk about the bad gun handling, the round, and the fact they lost their only advantage which was the reload over most of the tank they face, since M1’s got their buffed reload. Not talking about other factors.


The 2E is the best challenger in game, you have a good gun and shell, not the best but not the worst, one of the fastest reloads and great mobility.

The 3TD you lose mobility, lose good reload and lose a .50 cal, all for a better gun which isnt really needed, not to mention thr poor modelling of the TD.

People will say black night is the best because of the APS, but that is purely because the UK has a bad SPAA at top tier (oh wait i mean tank destroyer) so the APS is useful for the KA-50 hordes.


OK, I’m here sorry I’m late. But yes Canadian Hornets still have naval capability as the stuff needed to land on a carrier is great for small Arctic runways.

Extra Canadian Hornet history for anyone who cares.


Canada’s history with the Hornet is interesting with Northrop allowed to have the RCAF marking on the YF-17



In 1977 Canada needed to replace its aircraft namely the Canadair Starfighter and Freedom fighter(tho this was kept in a later design) and the McDonnell Voodoo.

In 1978 this was down to between the F-16, F/A-18L and F/A-18 (on a related note Canada almost got F-14s from Iran) Air Commonaed wanted the F/A-18L it was a gamble if enough orders would come in to get it built. So Canada played it safe and just got F/A-18A/Bs.

Let’s get into the Canadian Hornet versions:

CF-188 “Early”- This is the version we thought would come with the US Hornets as it is identical to the 80s Hornet bar visual changes like the spot fight and false canopy.

CF-188 IMP Phase I- This gave it a radar upgrade that allowed it to use AMRAAMs along with:

  • A GPS

  • Radio upgrade

  • AN/APX-111

And other upgrades. They also had a Cockpit and Landing Gear upgrading at the same time that wasn’t part of the program.

This programme was started in 2001 with this phase done in 2006

CF-188 IMP Phase II- This isn’t as big as the first one but the notable things are:

  • Link 16

  • Electronic warfare equipment

There are others but I don’t think they are as notable.

This part finished in 2010.

CF-188 HEP- The program started in 2020 and can be explained as so:

Upgrades at all major computer systems, GPSm/INS, Raidos, Lockheed Martin Sniper etc. and the ability to use AIM-120Ds

Looking again there is to be a Phase II of the HEP to finish in 2025 the first of which was supposed to be to be done last year. From what I could find this is what is supposed to come this the upgrades yes I just got last a C&Ped.

  • 50 x AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II tactical missiles;
  • 38 x CA/APG-79(V)4 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars;
  • 38 x CA/APG-79(V)4 AESA radar A1 kits;
  • 46 x F/A-18A wide-band RADOMEs;
  • Upgrades to the Advanced Distributed Combat Training System;
  • On-going Technical assistance to support the upgraded jets

But if you want similar but better said basic info here:
McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet - Wikipedia

I just realized this means a Canadian tree would have not the 4 we thought but 5 Legacy Hoernts… Mix them with Australia and you get Hoernts for days.


I would debate on that.

However for the rest i agree with you. Challenger 2’s lost their only niche the second M1’s got the 5 seconds reload, in all fairness.

On proper MBT’s map? Yeah it could be, on big Tunisia it could even be worth using it as a first spawn. However most maps are not like that.

i live and die by the the L27

You still have to hit the same weak spots with DM53 you can just be a little less accurate, L27 is still a good shell, but of course worse than others, and better than some.

Hmmm…Obj. 292 still has the wrong engine and APFSDS, will they fix it before release?

if your talking about the making the pen higher no
that thing is gonna be busted at 10.0

For me, it’s WW2 SPA. Namely the Allied ones.

Bishop, Priest and Sextion. Those three have been some of my most wanted WW2 things.


Had too


Just send it to 10.7-11 with the 1250hp engine and the ~1000mm RHA APFSDS

i don’t think it will get the better APFDS


Sad :'(

The 3TD also has a turret ammo rack without blowout panels right?

No, currently L27A1 is the worst top tier shell in the game, followed by OFL 120 F1

Wouldn’t say so.







This is a big difference


Yes, it has zero armour on the outer side of the ammo rack, but no blowout pannel