The israeli cruise missile is the Delilah not rampage anyway, that I would expect to come later given it’s 250km range and multimode seeker
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someone say storm shadow and taurus?
yeah, except they removed the Grom-1 from the game for being too long range effectively.
to long range and basicaly stole all bases, conventional bombers would have no chance left at ARB
The J-7E is better by a significant mile from my experience (i have both it and the og mig-21Bis-SAU),
I’d like it to get All-aspect PL-5C at some point but even the PL-5B is better than the R-60Mk, it’s also far superior in FM, being on par with early 4th gens while the 21Bis is distinctly 3rd gen in flight performance, cherry on top is the 8 extra CMs and nice HUD combined with lighter airframe
Less removed, more delayed it’s addition
No one bombs at 13.0+ anyway, and anyone doing so is either uptiered or cheesing bases with Napalm
The Sub Folder nations is something I’m very excited about and I wish they picked up one of the older passed to developer suggestions, about changing the mechanics around the Base and make it upgradeable, that would be fantastic.
I will try to find the original suggestion discussion thread.
(I really wish somebody could update and modernise the concept and resubmit it, as this would be a great addition to the game)
Yeah, the current air game modes don’t really work with those kinds of weapons.
The only Israeli A2G weapon I’d expect to come this year would be the Spice system, at the very least the 250, but potentially the 1000 and 2000 given the existence of the FAB-3000 UMPK
me as well, Would mean the addition of HOSBO /HOPE for eurofighters
if they add longer range glide bombs and standoff munitions then people will, and it will be detrimental to an already suffering game mode
Yeah I mean there are numerous ways of dealing with this issue but I feel like sub nation tabs are the more likely, though knowing them they will never tackle this issue. As Smin said rank V for Britain air is full enough to not warrant the Sabre’s even though you can folder the Swft or the Vemon lines.
So at the end of the day it what the dev see as a road block or not to what get added , not us players which is sad and limits the game in so many ways.
Bro tornado gr4 has 2 aim9m at 12.3 💀
strike fighters always end up with weird BRs, and at least the thing is fast and has HMS, it would be too good for 11.3, and aside from dogfighting it is better than the F-5A(G) will be
For Britain too, given that Germany has our Paveway IVs for some reason
And GBU-53 on F-16 and F-15
What’s this? As that doesn’t seem to be something of the sub-trees rework.
just without the active radar mode, apparently it’s too good to be added right now
thats why i said eurofighter in general