The gripen E has an amazing AESA, better than Captor-M by a significant margin, although it’s not better than the Captor-E series due to sheer size and tech differences
You do reliase you compare an AESA radar vs an none AESA radar…
which is the question I was asked mate
I hope we arent waiting a decade for CAPTOR-E in game
And the Hendsoldt ECRS Mk.1 (the radar selected for the German EFT fleet) is an AESA, and thus better than both the Gripen E’s raven AESA set and the CAPTOR-M, please read what I wrote in greater context next time :D
No ))))))
So don’t respond then??
Probably give it to Germany and Italy I’m not sure the RAF has agreed on AESA radar upgrade yet
The only operational typhoons with AESA are the omani or quatari ones, none of the european operators are integrating until either later this year or from 2025-2030
RAF gets ECRS Mk.2
The UK is in the process of upgrading its Typhoons to T4 standard, so a late FGR.4 will have an AESA radar.
Middle Eastern Eurofighters: ECRS Mk0
German and Spanish Eurofighters: ECRS Mk1
Italian (maybe) and British Eurofighters: ECRS Mk2 (same as mk2 but with more ECM capability)
When will we get the upgraded lighting pod?
Aren’t they Kuwaiti, not Omani?
SoonTM, the F-15I needs one desperately, I can’t stand LANTIRN
eh idk, one of the eurofighter operators in the middle east has AESA from their most recent batch
I didn’t know Israel had gotten the new lighting pods on the F15I’s. I thought they kept it until they upgraded the entire aircraft.
I’m pretty sure it’s Qatar and Kuwait that are using the Mk 0, though maybe Oman is planning to upgrade their Typhoons to have it.