Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Sadly never built.


I mean it does happen that you can give updates to bug reports and why i do ask about stuff like the pzh2k and leopaed 2 dm model from time to time.

Because at times you do give out updates xD

These responses on the F-111C have already been shared before.



caught us off guard I suppose

at least I didn’t expect that

@Morvran It is here xD

@Pheonix_RX01 and one more to the list of Scandinavian vehicles in the Swedish tree

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He hath arrived )))


Well… More documents are starting to show up, just like the O-I heavy tank!
So time will tell my friend.


I’ve read an article a while ago, that the engines were buried and dug up recently near the airfield it was supposed to be assembled on.


I took it with a grain of salt and waiting for more news to pop up.


and the Penguin guided anti-ship missile with a thermal imaging homing head, which will prove itself in battles against tanks.

I just find it funny that the best use for anti-ship missiles still is against tanks. Even after the targeting change they are pretty poor at destroying ships.

@Til_Dovre_Faller OK, this event vehicle start 6 days



Gaijin presents a new marathon:


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tu-4 and b-29 and ju 177 are fine bombers, they are notr good for air battles, if you are facing spaa missiles, its the battle rate issue

nice, wish we see Swiss F-5s soon in germany

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Can we expect helicopters with this missile to be added

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But there is a lot of information that it was not completed and even engines were made for it. And the bomber itself was only about ~9% ready.

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Oh sweet, this is right up my alleyway. : O

Well… the CM disclosures said they are going to focus more on sub-TT’s.
So hopefully we will see the much needed Norwegian sub-TT for Sweden!

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That’s a good point since this Norwegian F-5 is purely NO-US adventure. But yeah don’t expect an actual tree tho it would props be like India.

Will any US Planes or Helicopters get AGM-119 in future?

Missile most fowl