Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Just randomly online. There’s another one too:

As you can see, they’re also capable of carrying drop tanks.

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Honestly would be strange if they add M-346 skipping entire family of its predecessors, I expect to see at least 1 or 2 variants of MB-326 and MB-339, before they add M-346.

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I think i have seen sources saying Aim 9S which is essentially a smokeless L

Game about modern aircraft without hornet it is like a game about WW2 without tiger on T-34.

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okay, m346 lavi should come to israel as a rank 9.7( armamanet Aim9S,Aim9L,rocket pods,drop tanks,bombs ,) and due to its lack of cannon gun pods it receives a huge amount of chaff and flares

was it just that variant that never got a cannon pod? did other have a cannon pod?

because the thai alpha jet got mauser pod in the game, and the export of the mauser was banned to thailand sooooo… gajin said it can equip it and thats why they gave it the mauser cannon pod

so likely you could still get a cannon pod if one exists on other variants of the plane

What game would that be?

The M-346 can carry 12.7mm and 20mm gun pods

then gajin propably would give them those, even if nation in question didnt officaly use them

becaus gajin doesnt like gunless planes apparantly

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Like Cheat Vixen?

no clue, does the vixen have variants with gun pods?

i can only tell you how they handled thai alpha jets

One of the prototypes of the Sea Vixen had guns, but they didn’t go with that design

@Smin1080p_WT Sorry to bother you, is there any update on the below bug reports for the F-111c?

[DEV] F-111C missing GBU-15
F-111C - Missing AIM-9 shoulder pylons
[DEV] F-111C missing outer pylons for bombs

Paid real life money for a very distinct advantage.
Glad someone finally admitted they are pay to win though



These 2 are the most likely to be resolved soonest.

This one is the least likely, as this appears to have been an F-111A converted to C and not representative of the standard C variant. If we change our aircraft in game to represent this version (converted from A), then it may loose weaponry / capability elsewhere. So sadly unless it can be proven this capability was present on the standard C, its not likely to come.


Because it’s easier to protect a fighter and would you rather put an extremely expensive bomber with a full aircrew at risk or a replaceable single seat fighter?

Also AARGM-ER is faster and iirc cheaper than a JASSM-ER or even a JSOW

Because the Nuclear option isn’t always the right one?

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CN K-8

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There’s nothing to “finally admit”, it’s just a fact though

So what? It was an official product offered by the game store- it’s not like we are talking about a cheat, hack or any other kind of shady or illegal thing.

Just because some people dislike these P2W items it doesn’t mean it’s okay to screw over thousands of customers who have spent their money on these legal and official products.

As I said earlier; it’s fine by me if bushes are removed- but ONLY if they are properly refunded. There’s no reason not to agree with refunding other than wanting to make people who purchased miserable over the petty feeling that “they deserve it”.

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@Smin1080p_WT Is there any plans in the future to decrease the chance to get thunderclouds and to decrease the height of trees? I keep having issues where in an uptier my MiG-29SMT is so outperformed by everything I’m fighting that I attempt to sit on the deck but often get maps that have clouds on the ground or maps that have trees that are 50+ meters that make it near impossible to dodge ARH missiles via the ground.