Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

we just gonna pretend the 15E doesn’t exist… ya know… the very close 2nd best jet in the game


Make the brims laser with terminal IR until in-depth EW is implemented


That entirely depends on if gaijin goes Early F18 for the US and all other F18 are left without CAS. Until we know for sure i will assume they will be Air only for now

Well according to some, the F-15 isnt meta defining. I am just using their words here.


Personally, gajin might ready the early 5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile because no datalink and LOAL capable

Late 5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile full datalink and LOAL capabilities

But I wait R-73M, PL-8B and Python 4

But first block inferior MICA IR, AAM-5 and AIM-132 Blk I

then those people are absolutely insane to say the least

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Oh so that why they are asking tons of exports : P

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I wish, but gajin doesnt even wanna considee that

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Smh, shinden is the only jet i need, that or my ADMM i need them

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With how godawful IR seeker implementation is? You think IIR would be better??

we love missiles that already randomly pretend flares dont exist. So let’s add missiles that do that but better

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I don’t get why they domt just add the FnF versions and just allow EFT to carry the same number as the F15 with Mavericks for balance lol

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because the FnF version uses a mmW seeker which can multi-lock enemies before firing, and it can track better than an IR seeker and through smoke

Hasn’t stopped gaijin from C&P the Mavericks seeker before so why stop now?

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Its pure cope from my side tbh

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There’s hype because people like the vehicle, I’ll play it despite it not being good like I did the F-16D, because I think it’s cool. Also, a Desert Storm Hornet could actually be quite good.

If the US got something now that pushed the meta past what the Typhoon and Rafale already have, then the 4 nations that are already behind will be even further so, best case is that those nations catch up with what they can, before the US inevitably gets some shiny new meta breaking toy.

And by catch up I don’t mean still worse, I mean they get something equivalent to the 14.0s we have already, which is a wide gap anyways.

Hardly, 2 updates are what I’d ask, we should get Russia and China up to par this update, then Japan and maybe Sweden next update, and that is the point at which I think the US should get something better, however even saying that I expect it’ll be the June update that the US gets a better jet than the F-15E, and so long as everyone else is caught up in the same update, that isn’t so bad

Yep, a soft cap for ground modes would be entirely fair


At this point, the F-18 feels like another F-117 in terms of its addition. At least to me.

It’s a sweet airframe. A poster child for some, glamourised by Hollywood and so on. But with the era that we are regarding War Thunder, makes its implementation too difficult to do and will most likely get a medicore position/kit because do you make it powerful or make it just a road bump to grind through to somwthing better because the US doesn’t need another “better” right now.

Exactly, just copy the Maverick seeker and allow EFT to carry the same number as the F15. It wouldn’t have OP tracking and it would make the EFT balanced for anti ground or at least better than it is currently.

Penguin is all sorts of borked and already acts like a long distance AGM65A so whats the difference in doing that to the Brimstone?

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Well, the difference between the two is that the F-117 arguably shouldn’t even be in the game, considering it cannot do anything of value in air battles.

The F/A-18 will be useable just fine in air battles and ground battles.

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