Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

No but in the case of Oman, that would most likely include the F-16, given it’s the only airframe Britain doesn’t otherwise get

A sub-tree should always get the stuff it used, withholding vehicles is dumb. It would be even better if there were room for it, hence why Tabs are the best way for sub-trees, as nobody fights for space and nor is any amount of sub-trees too many.


I mean, I was mostly joking about the subtree part anyways, I just want that Hawk 200, no matter which nations variant it is and Oman seems like the one that is least likely to become a subtree in the future.

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I would also like to add that oman is a very small percentage of war thunders audience, so there is a good chance they will never become a subtree, with its vehicles being thrown wherever they fit best, which i think isnt a bad idea for them, since they use a wide array of vehicles.

Their british stuff can go to britain, especially the ones flown by RAF pilots (e.g strikemasters), the italian stuff can go to Italy (e.g Centuro RGO) and so on…

i agree, but again canada and australia arent subtrees and their stuff goes where it was developed.
Subtree tabs wouldnt help that or resolve your problem there

Oh yeah, another Strikemaster would be cool as well

The ideal solution for Canada and Australia, would be a joint subtree tab, so that they could be subtrees of multiple nations at the same time

I mean, the hawk 200 would be better to be added as the british livery variant (BAe) instead of adding individual nations versions, sure as a premium an Omani, Indonesian or whatever would be nice, but i think keeping to the 3 main variants would be more than enough (and would offer something over regular hawks as no 200 operators use AMRAAMs, Sparrow or skyflash)

That would be too good to be true.


All you need is a ruler and the minimap.

Although a version of the minimap with proper elevation markings would be useful for indirect fire.

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Gotta hope that one Hawk 200 in British Service is enough to get the actual Hawk 200 I guess lol

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Malaysian might sub tree for japan after Thailand, maybe

Oman + UAE + Qatar tech tree

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That won’t work and won’t be a gaijin idea as then they might as well be a joint nation

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I mean, the main reason for my omani subtree suggestion is they have quite a few unique mods of british cold war vehicles that would be interesting.

Such as;

Provost T.52 = Provost trainer with MGs and Light bombs/rockets

Strikemaster Mk.82 = Strikemaster flown by RAF pilots (similar precident to the NK Mig-15 in game)

Hunter (Oman) = a unique, nameless upgrade to most of Omans Mk.73 and FGA.9 fleet, giving them countermeasures and AIM-9Ps

Jaguar OS/OB = Jaguar GR.1/T.2 airframes built for oman, fitted with AIM-9Ps and GR.1A countermeaure pods

And so on…


Well yeah, it would effectively be the subtree rework idea, just with the subtrees mirrored, the issue is that the subtree rework is never going to happen, so with the current state of things Australia is just going to be another Canada and both nations will be depressing

Though it’s kinda funny how people say the UK don’t need a Hornet while at the same time the US demands both and a whole line for their exported stuff.

So the UK getting about 5 variants = bad and doesn’t need it
The US getting 50 ish variants and locking other nations out = good and a fun idea


I’m going to be frank this idea is still as dumb as when I first saw it if you ask me.

At that point just make a joint Canadian-ANZAC tree as a new independent TT if you’re adding a new tab altogether(that isn’t the sub-tree rework but that still doesn’t make that idea possible as it just gives the room for a sub-tree, in the one collection of nations, not joint between multiple hosts).

And it really only exists to appease US and Gerrman’s mains, and their feeling nobody else.

I mean, there are countless examples of prototypes and vehicles in game, such as the Mirage 4000.

Plus, you can already split it into 3 variants in britiah livery alone:




Night Attack (IR nose)


Yeah but then gaijin constantly doesn’t do that. Look at most sub trees and plenty of the vehicles they add don’t bolster a existing ground lineup or fix a missing hole for CAP/CAS

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