Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

But it can use the AGM 65Ds and AIM 9Ls which would be plenty

Old or lastest leak ? 🧐

They all look best from below with the weapons bay overflowing IMO, the F-35 just looks more robust or utilitarian to me, and that is the sort of look I prefer in a jet, it’s why the F/A-18 is my favorite US 4th gen, and I’ve always loved the Harriers, though there is some national pride at play there too

I guess but it would have a very high BR for a strike premium

The equivalent to AV-8B Day Attack, I think

And pre Night Attack upgrade (Litening targeting pod and JDAM)

Similar to Harrier GR.9/GR.9A, but very good premium pack rank 8 attack aircraft top tier for british

2025 Roadmap when?

lol XD

I’m not paying $80 for a premium strike aircraft, $70 is already a lot of money

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your answer as requested


Are you sure?


Are you really really sure?




Finally, the F/A-18 is coming to War Thunder. However, I’m afraid that the ordinary Hornet will not perform well in the current meta of top tier Air RB. Perhaps the Super Hornet would be much more suitable?

Personally, premium attack aircraft in rank 8 might cheaper fighter aircraft

I’ve always thought it’s more of an affectionate nickname just loosely based on the F-35 compared to 4th gen designs. I never really saw it as anything too serious

F-35 generally looks very aerodynamic



Only with the F-35B with the short cockpit and lift fan I somewhat see it

Still cool when it hovers though

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But still… 70 euro’s is still to much.

As long as we don’t get a bajillion of them. Japanese F-15s are useless for CAS, so we better not get more of those


I might be a bit biased here, but there’s a few that I’d still want. Like the one fitted with IRST, the future JSI and some form of F-15DJ.

Also an F-15E derivative. Right now looks like F-15SG is the only option, but I’d also be more than happy with an F-15IDN when and if that becomes a thing, considering Indonesia is a much more agreed on second subtree option.

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Dont ask to much, otherwise we only get some F-15’s for the TT and F-2’s as premiums.

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Don’t give them ideas…


Would be funny if the Japanese had the tested F-14 lol

It’s been confirmed by Smin that we are getting a TT BMD variant this year for Russia

fun fact there was a suggestion of it.