Doesn’t mean anything, vehicles have been added that Finland used but didn’t get despite them literally being able to fill gaps yet the Finnish air tree has been untouched since it was added
By that logic the AIM shouldn’t be in the US tree then as i dont see any American operated AIMs anywhere
r we fr rn?
For what? To do a job that Typhoon/Lightning does but worse in every regard?
the austrlian boxer and kf41 would go to germany yeah
the australian tiger heli could go to germany as well
What? If a nation isn’t a subtree their vehicles go to the manufacturers tree by default.
so stop trying to get more US jets if you are happy with what your countrys military has
Yes, we are, show me an AIM with American crew members you wanna be picky
Seems unlikely that they would add a Thai Hornet then, but I wouldn’t say that it’s impossible.
How about we compromise? You stop bitching about US things getting exported to other nations? And I’ll keep asking for Commonwealth stuff
the issue is that Australia should have been named a subtree years ago, 14 vehicles is more than plenty of official subtrees, including the one we just got.
and since the AIM it has become clear that unless something changes, Australia is going to end up like Canada, and that just sucks
US army thing explaining the AIM in US inventory
Saying that Australia builds Boxers for Germany, they could get that, plus Britain got a Boxer model passed with a CT40 on it
that’s rich coming from you, Mr.WeNeedEveryVersionOfTheEagle.
Thats not a picture with US crew is it, in inventory doesn’t mean operated
I think gaijins probably sees the problems it will cause if AU or CAN go to any specific nation and have decided to just split it for the time. At that point Gaijin shpuld just add them to both nations like theyve done with other nations vehicles
ive proven each and every one has been in possesion of and flown by the USAF, except for the F-15K
Also thats a US only AIM, not an Australian one
I’m not sure they’d be half as much of an issue as giving India to Britain already has been
its still an M1A1 AIM. sure, they use different armor array since DU was specifically asked to not be there by Australia apparently, and different shell for the same reason. outside of those two things theyre the same tank