Ah yes as we all know the US tree sucks and needs 1,000+ F-15 variants : 3
Oh I don’t GAF lol. I was more confused because people were already saying the tornado was better than the F111 in sim.
My general thing is that I want to see more things in the US tech tree (like anyone does for their own tech tree)
I support nations getting vehicles they actually used as long as it isn’t directly better than what the original nation has.
I also want all nations to be represented in game because I enjoy learning about other nations doctrines.
Hey I said all of those besides this one.
Or maybe because it’s the defining fighter of the 4th generation and there are a bunch of them which almost all follow a really neat line of progression?
F-15QA, direct predecessor to the F-15EX
This is what I don’t support (ik you were using an extreme). I don’t think nations should get a vehicle they did not directly purchase and use. No one of a kinds or testbeds.
Except you don’t need them for your line of progression, a late E and an EX would likely be plenty.
Even without all the foreign variants of the F-15 you still have way more aircraft than any other tree in the game
Eh the F-15EX would just be side graded to the barring anyways so it would be represented in game as a folders vehicle if I had to guess.
But we do Not need them
Expect it’s gonna be like the the Vickers car beep beep
If it is added to the game then it should be under Germany, Britain can get the Redback if we really need an Australian IFV, though I’m not sure Germany need the Australian one specifically tbh
I have to respectfully disagree. I think you could see two to three really interesting maps. There was over 70 different airframes, a handful of tanks, zepplins and airships. One of my favourite things about this game is the scenery and I think Gaijin could WW1 on par with say the likes of Battlefield 1 (images from BF1).
these would be hype
Well that would give a Mi-24 hind and a Su-27?33? to the US because they captured one and tested it making it a tested. Additionally it would be an excuse for more copy past. Like becuase RAF fly this once in a mission doesn’t mean it should go to the UK.
just becuase ww1 tanks mainly fought infantry doesnt mean they cant fight tnaks and they also destriyed bunkers to
I mean…
I think the QA would be premium down the line.
F-15SG from the 428th Fighter Squadron added as an event vehicle, and the full RSAF one to Japan
F-15SA 12-1002 after F-15C
F-15SR, not sure, maybe squadron but I’d prefer if it was F-15SE. Possibly an earlier premium
Yes and I did not support that addition because it was a testbed vehicle.
australian one is the only version that is in a finished state and free, all others are 1. in the game hungary
2. in the future in the game italy 3. are in competition and so heavily modified it isnt even a real KF41 anymore US
the australian kf41 is the only lynx without a home in war thunder where it definitly go.
Following the same implementation as the Leo 2a4m can germany is the most likely
i mean would take the US lynx as well, but that ones way less likely