Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

there arent any limitations in that idea, its just that the 428th FS is a joint USAF-RSAF training squadron for F-15SG, and for event stuff like this theyve made it squadron specific. helps to differentiate US vs Japan F-15SG at a glance (not that there will be any actual gameplay difference)

i also think it just sounds better when you specify the squadron

US could also get F-15SA 12-1002

YF-22 shooting missile

Problem is thats not how it works, maybe the old nation premiums like the Peten, strv 81, magach era ect ect but thats not how it works. What ends up happening is the sub nation then lacks proper vehicles that could actually help the TT.

Orders too right? And do we know the exchange rate yet?

You keep reposting this thinking it proves your point, but it doesn’t. Yes, it is the official position that Canada and Australia are not a subtree. But that’s not really what I’m trying to argue. To be clear, we’re discussing whether or not future Australian/Canadian vehicles derived from USA/German designs should go to the UK tree or to the tree of their respective manufacturer.

I’m saying it makes the most sense for those vehicles to go to the UK tree based on precedent, and because Gaijin seems to consistently put vehicles from CAN and AUS in the UK tree more than anywhere else. Yes, it’s not an official subtree, but it seems like their home is naturally there.

You’re saying (and correct me if I’m wrong) that the manufacturing nation is the default method for Gaijin determining what vehicles go where outside of subtrees, so therefore other nations have dibs on CAN/AUS vehicles that are not based on UK designs or domestically produced.

But what does Smin actually say about this issue in this image? According to him, Gaijin determines that vehicles go:
“Wherever they are most needed or most relevant”
“Wherever most appropriate, most suited, or needed most”

Note that he doesn’t say anything about manufacturer or development. What he’s saying is that it’s basically up to Gaijin’s discretion where they think the vehicles fit best.

Now, we could get into a long and fruitless argument about whether the vehicles we’re discussing are “most appropriate, suited or needed most” in one tree or the other, but it would be pointless because we don’t work for Gaijin, and it seems like all evidence suggests that they make the decision on a case-by-case basis. They’re not following some hard rule like you seem to claim. If I might make one argument for my case, it’s that as time has gone on, Gaijin has made more vehicle placement decisions based on geopolitics (like subtrees) than they have based on vehicle development nations, which is why I think my stance is slightly more likely.

Which things are important and which aren’t? Is that how Gaijin sees it or is that just how you read those vehicles?

While I agree, I think there’s a pretty big difference in claiming an “unofficial sub tree” exists based on one vehicle (like the Brazilian AMX) and over 20 vehicles in the case of the Commonwealth nations.

Didn’t we get confirmation that any further Argentinian vehicles would also go to Germany? Even if it’s not a sub tree, that means something right? Again, correct me if I’m wrong here.

Lol, lmao even

The Australian Boxer or Canadian LAV vehicles would give the UK a wheeled IFV platform, something they don’t currently have. Either of the Leopards already available to Germany would have definitely helped the UK’s MBT lineups with higher mobility options.

How? I’d really like to know

This is a fair point, and is the main problem with adding exported vehicles into different tech trees. I would argue as long as the ratio of export/operator vehicles to indigenous designs remains small, then this problem is more or less mitigated. I don’t think the UK’s top tier would actually be that much better off with all of the Challengers, plus all of the Leopards and Abrams variants. Filling the gaps that do exist with unique vehicles would make sense.

The other thing is that, at least when it comes to Ground forces, Germany is spoiled for choice. There are a lot of indigenous German vehicles that could be the Rank VII ground premium, for example. Same goes for the AIM’s squadron slot for the USA. Both nations have nearly endless potential from their own catalogues.

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You forgot the AU patria with the 30mm turret, so they can also get stuff from Finland…honestly still waiting for a TT domestic Finnish Patria but im thinking it may never come lol.

Also Norwegian leopard and so on with the other point that vehicles go to where they are needed. Neither Norway or Denmark are subtrees to sweden, (though if they go anywhere else sweden air will be dead forever lol)

Or the SA patria with the 30mm, thats another LT they could get.

if it was a Marine AIM, it wouldve been top BR which isnt allowed for non-tt vehicles, due to better ammo and better armor. couldve been the RDF/LT though which wouldve been interesting

UK can also get Boxer as wheeled vehicle

UK has their own versions of the boxer and the South African Badger IFV (which was actually shown in the decal along with the tracked rapier). So there is no need for the Australian or Canadian wheel vehicles when there are already existing options from both the UK and their South African sub-tree.

I could say the same thing about Air. UK has more options left than most other nations in game including Germany. So even less of a need for Australian/Canadian subtrees on top of the two UK already has.


should be a bug caused by ERA, the model maybe overlapped causing APFSDS get through the armor without ricochet.

BTW, do you guys know that type 90’s armor get fixed in ricent update. It’s front composite armor can’t create secondary shatter, which is caused by it’s strange shape.



I am gonna give an example the Kf41 Aus is in a similar situation as the leopard 2a4m can.
While the kf41 aus even got rejected.
Both are unique modifications of a vehicle that are exclusive to 1 single nations.
Now the 2a4m can is im service with canada and went to germany. The KF41 isnt even in service with australia and would be even more likely to be added to geemany followimg zjose implementation rules.

Vehicles or modification versions that arent part of the developer nation yet.

Official denial about the sun tree part from smin



Besides UK having their own boxer, followimg implementation laws germany has the “ausrtalian” boxer themself, so the australian version could be added to Uk and geemany getting its own one.

Plays into the next point of losing uniqueness.
The advantage is that everything indian russian tanks, uk tanks, us tanks and planes geeman tanks, ifvs all gonna be inside uk.
Why even reseach any nation if you can just do uk and research the stuff of all major nations at once???

As i pointed out there is no gaps.
Uk is getting german modified challys from now on as well

And UK is spoiled for air, but here you are demanding more and more.
Uk has a lot of options left to, ground has some 3-4 good mbt options even as well

the F-14 firing aim-120 image is F-14A
the rest are mock-ups
it says provision (cancelled) from the same document


Hi smin i see u work overtime so if u dont mind i will join the party

I just want to know
there is any plans to add israeli munitions any time soon?
Ata missiles ,agms,spice bombs?

Also there is any plans to add new spaa as well?


As cool as it would be to have the F-14D get AMRAAMs, I kinda hope they don’t add them.

I’ve discussed this elsewhere, but, assuming the F-14D does not come with AIM-120A/Bs, we would effectively have:

  • (12.7) F-14A “Early”: AIM-9H, AIM-7F, AIM-54A, AWG-9
  • (13.0) F-14B: AIM-9L, AIM-7M, AIM-54C, AWG-9
  • (13.3) F-14D: AIM-9M, AIM-7M/P, AIM-54C, AN/APG-71

The biggest issue here is the F-14D’s BR placement. In my opinion, the F-14B should already have AIM-9Ms seeing as it is 13.0 (the same BR as the F-15A, Gripen-A, Su-27, etc.), so the F-14D being a direct upgrade being 13.3 makes sense but is definitely an awkward position.

If we were to get AIM-7Ps (which are just 7Ms but with DL) then it might ease the tension, but honestly it wouldn’t do enough for the F-14D in my opinion. The additions of the AN/APG-71 and AIM-9Ms are great, but I doubt those are enough to allow it to comfortably sit at 13.3.

Ideally, in my opinion, Gaijin would move the F-14A/B back down (or at least decompress around them) so that the F-14D gets a proper BR placement relative to its peers (F-15A, Su-27, etc.). 13.3 seems too high in my opinion, but the 9Ms and new all-aspect PD radar make it a definitive upgrade over the F-14B (so they shouldn’t be the same BR).

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They announced already started work at the next Generation spaas which will be stronger.
With vehicle that if necesary have multiple parts etc

Yes but this will take time while israel must get new spaa since the best is 10.0 if nit the 9.3

And israel has few options before next gen spaa
If next gen will come(patriot s30)then the israeli equivlant is iron doom or maybe even david sling it will be stupid

Why not add the spyder or admas?
U allready have p4 and derby in game
I dont understand gaijin man


Then, Do you also think that Harrier GR.9 should get AIM-120 & Blue Vixen upgrade and Brimstone capability?
British Parliament planned to upgrade them but dropped out due to money.
Just like the AIM-120 plan for F-14D.

I think, As long as it is cancelled, No AIM-120 for F-14D.
At least, not for the TT version of F-14D.


Plus it means more representation on Suomi in war thunder :D

In that case, may I ask if the mobility issues on FV107 Scimitar are being actioned? It still steers like a wheeled vehicle, and has dreadful high-end engine power.

Cosmetic and historical issues aside, it does not perform in the similar manner to FV102 Striker that it should.

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Next gen isnt specialy patriot.

Isralian spyder would already fall under next gen aa well. They will come this year. Thats as soon as you will get

you just gotta be patient a bit more

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