Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

One thing I am looking forward to it the new camos we’re going to see for all the stealth aircraft, every F-35 has the same grey paint job, obviously important for stealth, but in WT that won’t matter, so colourful F-35s will hopefully be commonplace, I know Israel needs a desert tricolour for one, I’d love to see what can be done for the RAF and Royal Navy

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And Britain was a tier 1 partner they were involved from the beginning. The needs of the US superseded all partners which is why they are a bad partner to have. I bet they already have Peregrine trialled for the weapon bays while ignoring the needs of tier 1 partners.

It is only going to worse with the new administration

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I’m not going to get into politics. The UK was the first to receive the 35B.

J-20 should be better than the SU-57 just on account of the missiles, Russia lacks the true long-range missiles that China has, I mean the PL-15 is the reason the US got back into the long-range missile game.

And I know there is the R-37 but that thing is huge, more like the AIM-54 or AIM-174B than the PL-15, Meteor, and AIM-260

After the USMC

PL-15 will be terrifying if modelled correctly. Su-57 is more manoeuvrable the J-20 will struggle to dodge missiles.
R-37M is also being integrated on the Su-57 and R-77M

It was suppose to be intergrated by the end of 2024, but is now by the end of the decade. The US probably could do the integration code in about 10 minutes if they really wanted but are dragging their heels to get Aim-120D sales.

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Hardly, it’s maneuverability is comparable to the J-10, it may not be on the same level as the SU-57 and F-22 in that regard, but it is still plenty to defend itself, and with missiles like those, you’ll likely not get in range enough for it to matter, reaction time is less important at 100km

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Mainly meant I couldn’t tell ya if it was apart of a subtree or not.

No UK received the 35B in 2012. USMC was 14-15 achieved full operational capability and testing for it in 15 though. The USMC went hard in the paint to getting it operating after they received it.

They’ll be waiting to get the AIM-260 into service, so that the US isn’t behind the curve again with regards to missiles on its best aircraft

Yeah. Meteor intergration will likely come just after Aim-260 officially enters service.

I wonder how long it will take for Spear-3 intergration

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These missiles pull more G and are faster. Can the J-20 pull the same AOA and G as the J-10?
That’s impressive I was always lead to believe it was stealthy and fast but couldn’t mix it up.

USMC definitely received their first in 2012, UK might have been slightly earlier however they didn’t leave the US, the USMC F-35s were operational in 2015, whereas the UK was in 2018

That’s what I’ve read about it anyways, it may not have TVC but it’s the only 5th gen with canards, so maneuverability wise it is behind other 5th gens, but comparable to the eurocanard type aircraft

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probably not behind F-35 too?

Yeah, probably not that 5th gen xD

Though the F-35 beats the J-20 in other ways

There is no vehicles that is inheriently good or bad, just at a wrong BR. If it is not as good as the other gen 5s give them a lower BR.
But with that being said, gen 5 requires a major decompression, it should only see the best of the best gen4s like F/A-18E, Su-30SM2 and J-15T etc.


will J7E ever get PL7 like J7D it had them ?

not neccessary though, they are better than PL7s