Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Im not though. The only 3 outstanding non-British or Non-Canadian/Asutralian vehicles that could end up in the British TT are Leopard, Abrams or F-18. I think an F-18 from one or the other is not in anyway unreasoanble and is what im expecting next major update anyway and as for the Leopard or Abrams. well the Abrams is already in the US TT for some random reason, so that is excluded as well and just leaves a Leopard which I would propose leaving as an option for a future Event or SQV vehicle (it would have certainly been more interesting than the T-90)

All other additions would end up in the British TT anyway or as an alternative to a British TT vehicle (for example, the Australian F-86 sabre could be added to the British TT instead of the F-86 sabres the RAF did actually operate)

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Also on this topic. The American Phantoms got access to HMDs and their BR didnt budge relative to their british comrades… so i fail to understand how the 9L would incur such a BR change.

Before we point to the EJ Kai, reminder that thing has 3 other things the Naval phantoms dont have.

  • internal gun
  • a drastically superior radar
  • flare count and placement that isnt terrible

if its so white and black as you think for spaas, explain the finnish ito 90m in the french tree to me

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F-4J(UK) vs F-4S is just hilarious

F-4S has over the F-4J(UK):

  • Napalm
  • Better IR missiles (I think)
  • Better SARH missiles (with the option to run more)
  • HMD
  • Agile Eagle
  • Overall better A2G weapon options (like large rocket pods)

Oh look it seems ive found 2 vehicles that fit the modern part of your criteria, got anymore reasons


australian redback, boxer, k9 thunder and so on would like a word to you

Same IRs, arguably worse SARHs

F-4J vs F-4J UK is far funnier

  • HMD
  • Options for both 7Fs and 7E2s
  • better flight performance

The F4JUK however is far more egregious an example because it doesnt even have the only thing british phantoms have going for them. The engines

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Redback and K9 are South Korean and so have no other home anyway. So Britain would make sense.

The UK has the Boxer

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the fremantle is from ww2 and
the terra nova is more cold war as well

besides that naval seriously? if you think anyone would take that serious nice try try again

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Freemantle was decommissioned in 2006 actually, try again


Uk has A boxer yes, still the german export boxer as well and the south korean home thing could change anytime as well

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what has decommision to do with building age? its still a ww2 ship dofus

my statements stay true


So ww2 was 1980 now? Because thats when it was commissioned


Fremantle from WW2 rofl.


I got no stake in this argument. Boats are not for me

freemantle one of 60 bathurst class corvettes commisioned 1943

even if there should be multiple fremantles variants for all i care

its still freaking naval and nobody cares about naval, there is no modern air or ground vehicle which matter for this argument.
If you are 1 one of 12 naval players nice for you, but in the grand scheme of things nobody realy cares about you or naval besides using it to farm silver

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Thing is you stated no modern vehicles, yet there is one right there for you, sooo, what does that mean

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sure whatever fuels your illusions


It’s a Fremantle class, not a Bathurst class.
And just because naval doesn’t fit the mold of whatever you’re arguing, doesn’t make it irrelevant.


like i said naval dont realy care and doesnt matter either way