Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

And this is what I hate.

They claim that "they do balance only via BRs and SOFT factors like ammo choices and reloads (if possible), and that they would “never” artificially alter the technical capabilities of vehicles, since “carefully crafting vehicles to be accurate depictions of their historical and real life counterparts is their priority”…

Yet here we are. Actions speak louder than words.

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Well ive only had staff tell me they dont plan on changing one vehicle despite being broken since release but i know there are others.

Not really…
It’s not an Al-Khalid on steroids, in fact, it is actually worse in some ways.
The VT-4A1 has worse mobility because it has only -17 km/h in reverse, the weakspots on the VT-4A1 are actually larger since everyone has access to sabot rounds with higher penetration, the entire UFP can be penetrated by APFSDS projectiles as there is a bug that doesn’t allow rounds to ricochet even though the VT-4A1’s UFP is angled at 84 degrees compared to 82 degrees on the Abrams, and those ricochet rounds no problem.

The only tangible upgrade that the VT-4A1 gets is an active-protection system, but you’re really getting a comparable at best, worse Al-Khalid at 12.0.

7.1 second reload with 577mm of penetration is pretty much bottom of the barrel in terms of firepower, even worse than T-90M. My problem with this is that T-90M actually has protection when the VT-4A1 doesn’t. The Al-Khalid gets the same firepower at 11.0.


The turret cheeks on the VT-4A1 don’t even save you, if you’re wondering.


Not that i know of. It was made to be in a more standard layout, that is IR channed in the sight rather than over the gun. It gained no traction with anyone and the project was killed in 2005.

Makes it even worse, when it’s simple ones like incorrect names and flags(I have one of each I’m waiting on). Which shouldn’t take more the 5-10 minutes to fix.

Well, that’s your opinion. For Gaijin, this is 3-4x the evidence they need to confidently add it to the game.

Could we get dis
along with Dis
And for fun dis


@Smin1080p_WT should we expect the next covert disclosure on SAMs to come after the next major update?


it seems the B-36 was the only bomber that was able to carry this massive bomb

20 tonne bomb!


I think a 20 tonne bomb is probably too big to reasonably be added, too many teamkills in ground battles and it’s already overkill in air, I mean it’s 3x the mass off the current biggest bomb in WT and that already is kind of insane


It’s an earthquake bomb so a lot of that weight is just steel to go through ground. Does have more explosives than Lancaster but not by an insane amount iirc

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I would assume about 3x given that they’re both earthquake bombs, maybe a little more than that

Last update’s leaked stuff that didn’t come

Maryland,G6-HVM, J10B, J11B,EFV-P1 (event).

All are on the cards except the EFV/AAAV which missed the winter event and the current one. Wondering whats happening with that.

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I think it would have similar explosive to grand slam because surely there is a point where more ground penetration is more beneficial to more explosives once you hit a certain amount of filler

Wouldn’t surprise me if that is for the single vehicle events

a bald man with a beard and glasses is making a funny face .


vt4a1 is not 12.0 version of al-khalid, he is slightly less mobile than Khalid, while the enemies have become much better in all respects. It would be much fairer if VT4 got 11.7 but gaijin won’t do that because he has APS
Something similar to al-khalid gives ztz99a, but not vt4

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Comparing the “minor nations” to the big three is an exercise in futility. Besides the Leo/T series clones they don’t give them anything.

Add in all the nations and remove the clones. Crazy.