Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah… This is probably true. Grindign the French TT at the moment (With the Mirage F1C-200) and then maybe do Italy after that. (I got the AMX A-1A and its kinda fun in SB)

Sweden was on my list before Britain got the Gripen. A few aircraft strike me as interesting for SB like the AJ37 but beyond that. Yeah. I dont really see much point in grinding it

If it historically used them then it should be added, ive been told R27 didn’t actually work on it so i really have no idea. Its up to gaijin in the end. And i honestly dont see them adding anything to it. Remember what happens when the snail sometimes up the BR of stuff while giving it better munitions? It then gets sent up again and suffers. Char 25 moment lol

It’s like AIM-9M for F-14B at 13.0 it’s basically required to have an all aspect ir missile or irccm

Eh, the Lansens are interesting, but you have to be a very skilled pilot and know your opponents to do well in dog fights with them. I’d say the SK 60 is silly enough to warrant grinding with its prox fuze ATGM’s i member hunting TU-4 and B29’s lol

We will wait for the snails insight on the matter

Fair enough

Yeah, I’m sure there are a couple other things a modeled RIO could help with but we’ll have to see if they do implement it to begin with

Honestly suprised you didn’t buy the XS since many say its OP. I personally cant stand the J35’s flight model and refuse to play them so would be interesting to see your opinion on it. Though only the best players play the J35D. I mean why else is it 10.7 in Sim lol

I was originally debating between it and the Mirage F1C-200 but decided that France held more stuff that I was interested in getting and so was the better investment. I may some day get the J-35XS, especially as it is now at a kinda OP BR.

Then I got the AMX A-1A as well because it also looked like a really fun ground attacker for SB and I was right. Also very good in GSB but really needs to be 10.7

Honestly depending on if Austria gets added to Germany sweden air will literally have the Viggens and the Lansens as their only unique jets, well i forgot the 6.7 J21 and A21 jet versions…what a great TT lmao

To be fair, that’s almost every jet, especially 8.X-9.X ones. Even a J-7D is quite bad to play with a stock crew.

Yeah, its why I decided not to do the Swedish tree. Just barely anything that was of interest.
JA37C/D looked kinda fun. AJ37/AJS37 looked like I would enjoy them. J35 would be rather different to my normal set of aircraft and I was interested in getting the Gripen as an alternative delta wing to the Typhoon (but I got that without grinding Sweden)

I rarely play below those BRs anyway, though slowly starting too. But I just dont see much else I would touch.

France has way more like the Vautours, Etendards, F-1000D, Mirage III, Mirage 5s, Mirage 2Ks, Jaguar A, etc etc.

+1 on it being one of the worst air trees.

I also find it incredibly funny that apart from the J21Rs, every single unique swedish airframe can either be found in another tree (Gripen) or was (J29D/J35A) / is (J35XS/A32A/Ja37Di/Saab-105OE) purchasable.


Again to grind sweden its more of a mental stability check. You’re either a fan of the worst Air tree in game (completely psychotic) or you boiggt the XS because you heard it was good and still try to rocket bomb.

Again id say its more impressive to actually play the TT vehicles and do good in them since the majority are just mid or trash. Its honestly impressive how every update seems to enforce the idea that gaijin doesn’t want people to play sweden air. I absolutely think the F21 was originally intended to be premium exclusively and for the JA37D to be left without premium but only after the 6 swedish air players complained they changed it. (Very impressive to the 6 players)

Again Austria will likely go to Germany in which case they get the J35ÖE,(best J35 for air combat), J29ÖE, and Saab 105 ÖE.

Leaving sweden air with the J32’s and JA series as their only high rank unique jets. Again Gaijin has made no effort to make people interested in the worst air tree in the game. I mean prior to italy having other options than just starfighters. Sweden was 2nd worst air tree to grind. Now tha ks to Hungary Sweden is pretty well known for the Void (Rank V-VI, 3.7-9.3) the worst jets available and the only decent jets being locked at 10.7 lmao

JAS37AU with Aim-54s for the British TT? :P

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? I don’t believe anybody used the JA37’s aside from Sweden so i have no idea what you’re mentioning lol

Just read it on Wiki:

Proposed Australian export variant with AIM-54 Phoenix missiles.[125][126][127][128] Cancelled in favour of F/A-18 Hornet.[129]

Main sources are books, so cant confirm quickly

Ive never heard of it. I have most documents on the Viggens so i literally dont know. The closest i could think of was the upscaled Viggen engines for the F15

Was probably a back of napkin proposal or something and didnt go beyond the idea