Hopefully they will give it 6 fakour and R-73 as well as RIO that actually does something for F-14 and F-4 and any twin seater that has a 2nd seat for a2a purposes to compensate for BR change
Oh i know about it. I test flew with my friend in his EFT and then him in IRIAF and me in modt other nations aircraft and they seem to be like 7/10 times you just dont get pinged
Idk its fine at 13.0 as is imo, i only started playing it after the BR changes and im going 118 deaths and 231 air kills. Its very effective at distance but close range it struggles.
Im ready for the next BR Change
Vehicle: Hunter FGA9
Gamemode: Air Sim
BR Change: 9.7 ----> 9.3
Reason: Whilst it is stronger than Hunter F6 (France) as it has slightly better engine and the Aim-9Es, it is massively outperformed by the Hunter F6 (Britain) and there is very little reason to ever use the Hunter FGA9 currently. Given it is also a very rare premium these days. I do not believe it would cause any issues at 9.3. It is also especially weak vs the supersonic aircraft that are all currently located at 9.7.
Vehicle: Hunter F6 (France)
Gamemode: Air Simulator
BR Change: 9.0 —> 9.3
Reason: Currently at 9.0 is the Hunter F1 in the British TT which has both a weaker engine and an inferior wing design. It is inferior to the Hunter F6 in every respect. In addition to this the Hunter F6 has 2x Aim-9Bs where the F1 has none. The F6 also has drop tanks, and can use these to dump most of its weight when entering a fight. In the Swedish TT is a Hunter F1 with 2x Aim-9B called the J34, which is currently located at 9.3 within ASB. The Hunter F6 needs a BR increase to 9.3 at the bare minimum to match the BR of the J34. The J34 then likely needs a BR reduction to 9.0
Vehicle: J34
Gamemode: Air Simulator
**BR Change:**9.3 ----> 9.0
Reason: The J34 is just a Hunter F1 with 2x Aim-9Bs but has no performance advantage beyond that, whilst the 9Bs are incredibly valuable to have, they don’t warrant a BR increase at this time and if needs be, the Hunter F1 can simply go down to 8.7 where it likely needs to be anyway.
Vehicle: Hunter F1
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 9.0 → 8.7
As per Stona:
this is a Korean Era aircraft, with no AAMs and limited flight performance these days. It should have gone down in BR with the others, but did not. It is stuck facing vastly superior late-cold war aircraft with better flight performance and capable AAMs with no advantage or strength. It should have gone down at the same time.
Honestly just give the swedish J34 its afterburner that was added. Makes it slightly more unique
Also sucks that i haven’t had the urge to play my FGA.9 in a while. I originally got it just because i was a fan of the Hunters and the Camo on the Rhodesian Hunter looked good. Too bad a bought it well after its time as one of the best vehicles lol
I do hope it gets at least R-73 or Fatter though. AIM-9P is useless.
6 arh would be a nice bonus, and working backseater is just a general change that would be nice for multiple aircraft
So this suggestion
Eh, again. If it gets more Missiles or better Missiles it will probably go up. Honestly IDC if it does since Fakours are still the best long range Fox 3 available right now.
It had Afterburner?
Yeah same. I just never see the point. SRAAM may be bad, but they are way better than the Aim-9E and the FGA9 just lacks anything interesting. May even have Napalm IRL.
Needs to be converted from the Rhodesian to the RAF and then maybe it would get some interesting A2G weapons
Yeah, but also apparently the RIO for AWG 9 could make the radar do better against notching targets or something along those lines, which would be very useful on the F-14
Most likely that is the automatic mode swapping we already have modeled.
No, it needs a 13.0 IR missile now. It is stuck with AIM-9P fighting AIM-9M and R-73
How good does it work though?
Okay, damn that is cool. You may have given me a reason to grind the Swedish tree at some point
You say that like its a bad 13.0 vehicle when its not, I’ll admit P3 is meaving a lot to be wanted but its one of the best 13.0 jets ive flown easily my top 3, Su-27, F15A, and F14 IRIAF
…I’m talking about the Ariete: Ariete | War Thunder Wiki
I’m going to be frank, a premium should not require you to have completed the TT(and in turn maxed out the crew) just to play it. Yet, unless you have a max-level crew it’s unplayable.
I’m looking at you long-barreled Panzer IVs(the F2 should be 3.7, and the rest climb up in BR until the best one(H) caps them off at 4.7.
Well, before if the target notched, the PD radar would just lose the lock. Now it will switch to SRC at the right time and maintain the lock flawlessly, if they swap back to coming straight at you, it automatically swaps back to PD.
Which sounds exactly like what the RIO would be doing.
RIO probably could also adjust the radar scope and scale to narrow the beam onto the target. Radars are far less restricted in terms of search areas than they are in game iirc
Lets be real, you’re not going to do that lol. That TT is a skill check for almost the entire time you play it. Honestly impressive to meet people who grinded the entire TT with postive KD’s since you basically play worse versions or other vehicles while at a higher BR.
I don’t think it’s that bad a vehicle, CM count is alright at that BR and it’s completely carried by the missiles, but still not bad.
However I do think it could use an upgrade in it’s IR missiles to put it on more even footing at closer ranges