I understand that, I’m just noting that the comparison of VT4A1 is a bit wrong in this matter
(I hope gaijin will move wt4a1 to 11.7 someday and add a regular variant to 11.3 :<)
I understand that, I’m just noting that the comparison of VT4A1 is a bit wrong in this matter
(I hope gaijin will move wt4a1 to 11.7 someday and add a regular variant to 11.3 :<)
Will likely come with a thai subtree for japan ground
at the moment no one has bought VT4A1 → it can’t be added anywhere except China
KF41 has many operators → KF41 can be added to any tree through the operator’s country
It all seems logical?
We’ll see soon, but I don’t think gaijin will add Thailand without top-tier MBT at all
Canada do have their own version called LAV II Coyote that was procured ~1990
It’s used as a recce vehicle. LAV III IFV based on Piranha III chassis (like the US Army Stryker) is behind it in this photo
I hope so. I want to use the Z-10 and JH-7A on 11.7, but China just doesn’t have the tank for it.
kf41 operators right now this moment are hungary , no other user
italy orderd and in development → nation in game cant receive either
US kf41 in competition right now —> nation in ngame and still in competition
KF41 australia, ----> nation not in game, australia declined the kf41 and choosed the redback. ok for german implementation
All kf41s get uniquely modified for their nation, there is no standard export kf41, that is literaly only the chassis that is standard.
So yeah tldr KF41 aus is the only finished option for germany right now
T-84 Oplot just saying, if added with singapore would add leo 2 SG as well
Idk, gaijin could add them without a top tier MBT, its very likely they may only have a LT around 10.x as the end of the line for them for now.
China ground is honestly not worth it if you’re going for top tier at this state, subpar CAS with subpar tanks that Gaijin refuses to model correctly.
there should be a pure German one? exhibited original one
j-10 aint that bad
early prototypes, no finished version
Ukraine also have them, currently.
lets be honest personaly i find it ugly as duck
and comes without APS one of the major things which would help germany and has no vehicle for currently and no in prospect light with it
that one i forgot, but thats likely just the hungarian version which ends up as a skin for hungary /italy
and we never saw that one yet
I honestly don’t understand why you need this garbage. But doesn’t Germany have a prototype of the KF41?
so VT4 may not be added to Thailand because Chinese are against it but no one is against T84? is that logic? Gaijin usually don’t care about politics and other such issues when adding hardware to the game
J-10 is horrible for CAS though, only two glide bombs and it’s still missing air to ground ordnance
They were directly from Rheinmetall, could well be ones meant for Hungary.
Hungary and Ukraine are not best of friends right now though.
I doubt we will see it near the LOC
whats bad about a country liking their vehicles? its a huge part national pride, it doesnt necesarily need to perform great you can still ahve your fun with it.
I mean look at the UK or the ariete, merkava, if people didnt have national pride and had fun in them even if they suck nobody would play those nations at all
who should be? T84 since a long time deviated from russian T-80s quite a bit.
its the only way the oplot could be implemented while VT-4 could be added to other nations pakistan to china etc
i mean there is no other variant besides the hungarian version right now in main production lines.
Doesnt realy matter if it was produced in hungary or germany still same tank. sending an AUS one to ukraine which might not be completly combat ready seems like a bad idea