Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Maybe we just don’t know anything and hes really smart? I mean have you read any of his 200 IQ takes? Really screams warthunder player material lmao

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Yeah, I think we can learn a thing or two from him

Guess the Leopard 1 should be the same BR as the T64 and the Panzer IV should be 6.7

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Lets be fair, besides EMBT and KF51, plus the T-14, are there any contemporary designs that would revolutionize the gameplay? Nahh, unmanned turret isnt that big of a deal, since in war thunder you can disable weapons at a much easier pace

leopard 2 arc 3.0

Who knows maybe gaijin will add remote control AT drones with 20-30mm cannons (pls no)

That they couldn’t find a combination of fm, drag and thrust that achieved this super cruise without compromising other characteristics. To clarify a bit more is that the fault is on their end but you can’t always expect such a level of realism.

But 1.32 isn’t too far off 1.4 in the end.

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It’s true, there’s no guarantee that the CD post will be before the next update, it could be after.

But the last two updates did have CD posts before they dropped, right? Seems like it might be a new pattern.

CD talking about work-in-progress features, then devblogs, then update… but it’s true they don’t have to do it like that. Time will tell I suppose.


You need to consider for this the development time. And given the disclosures we had on things they had in development the corresponding update will be some time later.

I kinda hope this becomes a regular thing tho as it’s always nice to see what they are thinking and planning. I mean we know they like to add sub trees now so my guess Pakistan and the Swiss this year.

Indonesian or Malaysian Hawk?

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mmm good distraction.

Indonesian Hawk 200, The Indonesian AF roundel is better


Malaysian Hawk 208 is better, got nice livery as well )))



They can have both for all I care, as long as we get the Omani one (if we can’t get the baseline Hawk 200, that is)


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I just don’t like the Malaysian air force roundal lmao

No, going to pull USA/German main stance, we must have them all. Give me 20 Hawks in the British TT :P


Yes, British jets in the British tree

I don’t think any main trees operate them, maybe some subs but not everything from a subtree has to come

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Not quite on top, but worthwhile additions:

  • Leopard 2 TVM-MAX
  • Leopard 2A6EX
  • Leopard 2 PSO-VT
  • Leopard 2A7+

Leopard 2A7A1 maybe ? Idk why but it feels like many missed that the first one(s) has already been delivered.

thats why I left it kinda on purpose, but since above you are also quite a few so eh, lets add it to the list xD
Edit: should now have pretty much possible on chassis on Leo 2/KF51/EMBT