13.7 most likely, maybe 13.3 for an A+
The Su-22UM3K can also carry 2 S25Os and 4 S24Bs or just bombs, which would do the same job in a well done pass
besides that germany has amraam slinger at 13.0 the F4F ice
also there is a lot of aircraft that could be coming if this were a air focussed update… su 35 mig 35 tejas su 30sm su30 mki mig 27k for britain and finally european tt
they dont use it yeah.
But you know gajin that aint a requirement for them as long as it could be used its a go.
Best recent example thai alpha jet getting a mauser cannon they never used and were even export banned
They don’t IRL and they shouldn’t in WT, but people would probably cry a bunch and make Gaijin give the Swiss Hornets carry A2G armament anyways
Funny thing is I’m pretty sure it’s a better amraam platform than the hornet. Hornet MIGHT break mach on deck with 10 amraam
you are naming X russian sets which aint happening
The Swiss Hornet does not use Mavericks, and other Hornets will only have 4.
as above
They may not but gaijin will find a way to make it ahistorical
ya technically they don’t but germany already has way too much stuff that they never used irl but gaijin gave them anyway… Like the f4f 10.7 never had aim 9j… It used aim 9ls
jesus that stupid misconception, you are wrong here germany did use aim9j in testing to train the pilots
Do you want it at 11.7?
I mean we have one at 11.7 the kurnass or is it 11.3 i don;t remember…
So what? Gaijin added a gun for the tai alphajet because there is no evidence that it can’t be used, what evidence is there for something like that in the hornet? The Swiss government website once said that they can’t use the maverick for example
Well, why do you need a plane with 4 AGM65 when the EF2000 is better, it’s not clear
Is the kurnass in the German air tree now?
no but like we already have a similiar situation
The Kurnass is 11.3 and it doesn’t carry AIM-9Ls
Well yeah F-4E is also 11.X but it’s because it has flares, ok IR missiles, and ok radar missiles with a decent gun and alright flight performance
F-4F early is faster but no flares and decent IR for the BR it’s at, and iirc no radar missiles. If it got 9L it would have to go to 11.X since it’s a supersonic 9L carrier