Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

brace because now we’re gonna have the hornets, superhornets, su30, and probably su35 and mig35 coming… lol

and mig29k and upg too…

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A-10s and Harriers, lmao

Sure, Su-25s, Jaguars and the Buccaneer are better than what Germany has, but the F-4F and the Su-22UM3K are fine as CAS planes for that bracket

Also, the Kurnass is 11.0

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besides them not coming this patch, you are aware france and sweden have the same spaa right now right?


An interesting weapon category shows up in the game w/ no aircraft past the 1950 's.

I’ll need to check again to be sure, but I suspect the ship ECM voicelines are the unused ones from WT showcased by DMM back in 2023:

Which would show that these systems have been in development for some notable length of time.


Competent CAS and A-10 in the same sentence lmao. Not like the A-10s are some of the easiest planes to kill even with the Rolands.

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su22 um3k has no zoom on the laser designator… what are you gonna do against 2s6 and torm1 and strelas?

The same thing Su-25s do, fly low and kill the SPAAs/SAMs with rockets and/or bombs

a10 is competent in good hands… you can atleast stay 5km away and kill the enemy. you have fnf missiles… at 10.7

Your F-4F has the same FnF missiles at 10.3 and your Hunter has them at 10.0

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Takes away uniqueness of US naval jets (which are actually more unique than USAF ones in-game generally, I’d like to keep it that way). And the only actual subtree that uses hornets is Finland.

that is retarded behaviour… like just bcoz ka 50s at top tier use rocket pods and guns does not mean you will take a uh1 at top tier will ya?

What the hell are you on about?!?

swiss use it too and canadians and aussies too

Swiss, Canadians, and Aussies aren’t subtrees


su25 rocketing spaa bcoz they can carry 8 s25O rockets… anyways I am done coplaining… I need a major dose of copium rn

its gonna be the german gets everything they didnt develop themself late syndrom most likely

They gonna use the excuse of germany did receive a top tier aircraft last patch and doesnt need another one to not give germany a swiss F/A 18 and wait with it until summer most likely

While it isnt officialy a subtree yet, its heavily implied not to mention the leakers

ya but swiss stuff should go to germany cuz germany has an excuse of a plane at 13.0 with amraams… I know eurofighters are stacked but hornets would be nice especially they will finally bring 6 maverick loadout to germany

if you think the F/A 18 with 10 amraams gonna be anywhere close to 13.0 you are completly wrong


Don’t swiss hornets not use A2G though lol?

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