Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Land Rover’s been going on since 1948. 3 years isn’t a large amount of time.

do the ones from 1948 still run?


in real world its not that great but its fast

that a jeep hard to tell due to the quality

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Is the BR change plan confirmed? Till now Gaijin doesn’t update anything

they updated the table slightly last week


Hopefully we see the FVT925 soon, basically a British XM800T

25mm bushmaster turret on a CVRT chassis, it competed in the French VCBI project. The turret was fitted to a variety of other vehicles too


wait that made me think , can the xm800 get apfsds? like can it realistically fire m919?

The XM800T has a 20mm cannon and I believe M919 is a 25mm round

dang… wait, is there even any 20mm apfsds in existence anyways? edit yes yes there is

M919 is 25mm the xm800t has a 20mm

What is the guestimate for the dev blogs? Maybe late february or early march? Sooner?

My guess is later next week, maybe Thursday 20th or Friday 21st. Last year the first devblog and leak list came out Thursday 22nd.


Ok that isn’t too far away, what do you think will/want be added, there are a lot of crazy things people have been saying.

Hoping for the Hornet for the US, Hawk for the UK, or the F-2 for Japan. Or maybe some modern bombers.

Some new helicopters would be interesting like the AH-64E or maybe the ACH-47A that was passed a while ago.


I’d prefer the later version of the turret with a single Tow tube (FVT925-T), mounted to the Stormer or Brazilian EE-11. Just looks goofy I love it.



Somewhat relatedly I’d love to see some of the Simbas

F/A-18s will be tasty snacks for my Rafale.

The Rafale when the ea-18 starts jamming them
download (10)

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