Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

the US has it’s own aircraft

Just not all, Like every other tree in the game


f101s are in suggestions right now and a f102 got passed f106 is being considered


Can someone tell me, whether I should cry or be happy? 🤔


Yeah Germany, China and Israel are my bets for this year.

only good take today

although everyone should get some Submarines


Still missing more unique airframes than anyone else, except for maybe the Russians

ofcourse but the question was who will get the most subs i think its germany since there most know for subs

I would have loved to get that thing, it’s got an amazing bombload for that BR

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When Ohio and typhoon class subs?

Thai ground for Japan just like how Benelux first got added as purely air and later had the ground part added as well and maybe something to Israel since they are in need of it the most is my guess. There’s never more than a one or two sub trees added each year anyways.

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i also put something in a the box a guns only mode for toptier as i thought it be fun

eh I don’t think so

you can’t quite add 300 Type VIICs to Warthunder, It’s likely there’ll be only one or two of each Type

False, we had Hungarian air, Benelux air, India confirmation, Thailand air. So that is tech 4

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well im wondering if they will start with ww1 subs

I want the Submarine aircraft Carriers in the game.

I thought it was a Japanese only thing but apparently all the major navy nations made at least one.

All that in 2024? Jesus christ I feel old with how quickly things are moving. I could have sworn Hungary was in 2023 and India was a sub tree since way back with the confirmation only being in 2024.

I hope so

although those would be kinda lost and thus would have to go to very low BRs of 2.7-3.3

Adding subs and carriers before/instead of working on gameplay reworks and improvements would be such a typical Gaijin move

Yeah Hungarian air was in March and only a few letters in the Bison blog in June iirc

yes absolutely

idk if they would damage the current gameplay tho