well the main reason at least for air is that there’s not enough space and no need to add them
could fill half the Jet tree with just Phantoms alone, and there are srill remaining Aicraft families of the cold war that Aren’t even in game at all yet
withhold would mean that they have them and just won’t release em but that’s wrong, each of them would need a Lot of work time and money to add nothing of value for 99% of players
Not really, I mean the only remotely unique sub tree was South Africa every other one has been copy/paste so Gaijin can say “look, there’s no hole at that BR now because we added a copy/paste vehicle!”
Garbage take, F-101, 102, 106, A-4M, F-4B and D, F-111D, FB-111, F-16C Block 30, F-15E (early), tt A-6, are all good additions, and there are more i can’t remember immediately (mostly naval jets)
there’s no space and the US airtree is so stuffed with everything that all of thise are somewhere below new Gamemodes at the bottom on Gaijins Priority list