Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I liked the concept but it was too unbalanced with everyone playing the enchilada or whatever it was called just sniping everyone constantly.

And the grind to get the unlockable vehicles was too much, especially since they were literally only for that event.

Ground attack version of the F22? Huh?

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FB-22, of course

That would be a paper vehicle tho

Yeah I think its a joke

I’m bored so why not do a poll lol.

With last year announcement about more subs, who do you think will get them this year ?

  • US
  • Germany
  • Russia
  • China
  • Israel
0 voters


Japan (more Thai Stuff (hopefully Grounds next major) and maybe other ASEAN), my guess.


who said the US gets a sub?

literally the fattest tree in game, doesn’t even have enough space for it’s own vehicles


For ground, China, Japan and Israel are the only countries missing a line right? I’d assume it would be one of them.

Perhaps a Thai ground sub tree, first or second update this year.

They withold so much stuff though for absolutely no reason, a sub would be a guarantee for some unique vehicles at least

Half of our cold war air force is missing

well the main reason at least for air is that there’s not enough space and no need to add them

could fill half the Jet tree with just Phantoms alone, and there are srill remaining Aicraft families of the cold war that Aren’t even in game at all yet

withhold would mean that they have them and just won’t release em but that’s wrong, each of them would need a Lot of work time and money to add nothing of value for 99% of players

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Not really, I mean the only remotely unique sub tree was South Africa every other one has been copy/paste so Gaijin can say “look, there’s no hole at that BR now because we added a copy/paste vehicle!”


Garbage take, F-101, 102, 106, A-4M, F-4B and D, F-111D, FB-111, F-16C Block 30, F-15E (early), tt A-6, are all good additions, and there are more i can’t remember immediately (mostly naval jets)

there’s no space and the US airtree is so stuffed with everything that all of thise are somewhere below new Gamemodes at the bottom on Gaijins Priority list

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They deserve addition more than most other things, it’s been years since they should’ve been added.

If the US can’t get its own aircraft might as well go for a subtree


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They could’ve added the F-106 before the F-4E but didnt

germany will get sub i cant wait for uboats :D


F/A-18A (early) in early 80’s but pre Gulf of Sidra 86’s and Gulf War 91’s era with AIM-9 sidewinder (AIM-9H & AIM-9L) and AIM-7F

I suppose it might F/A-18A (e) pre Operation Prairie Fire 86’s and gulf war, but not sure coming this quarter or next quarter

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