Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

its stealth is the problem and its sheer powercreep , the maneuverability it has aswell with its incredible avionic and stealth capabilities would put any planes ingame in a far disatvantage

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YF-23 and F-22 are good looking though

best case we would get truck stuff like the IRIS-T SLM, 40km range 20km height, makes sure to be able to hit anyone

IRIS-T sls would only have 8km height and 12km range, wouldnt be to different to current spaas besides accuracy and self autonamy


it would be heavily limited by its armament. and manuevrability matched or beaten by EFT, Rafale, and TVC Sukhois

Only the YF-23 the F-35 and the F-22 are cringe

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sleeping on the X-32



Eh, if the snail gives me more vehicles im fine with that, gives more more backup options to play.

even then requesting switzerland doesnt help in that aspect since switzerland has leopards and cv90s as well

i meany anything above 2 ready to fire missles would already be an upgrade for germany

The best CV90s the 9030’s ;)

Pls snail make the 30mm bushmaster good pls i beg

baby in syria

f-22 have to be after f-14 in the tech tree

French players are still playing french vehicles, german players are wishing they had dutch vehicles.

It was not a good choice, france having Belgium is fine but the dutch still have far more ties to the Netherlands than france do

Only reason i grinded spaa on Sweden and Germany was because of the truck. I need to finish Russia but spading the Type 81 comes first…

wouldnt it be after F-15?

hehe no…, its maneuvarbility is that comparable easily to thrust vectoring flankers, its stealth is also and issue aswell as its potent radar


cuz i only grinded f-14 line lol

f-22 main role is air superiority

like f-14

How it’s less accurate than the fast firing 2A42 actually shocks me, gaijin’s suspicious modelling choices at it again

Comes after the YF-21

This is a joke, YF-19 looks better ;)