main trouble - gaijin made SP just too big
I have my friend play in his Otomatic and intercept munitions launched at my Flarak or my Ito, or type 81 lol. Works better than nothing, he definitely should get points for shooting hostile munitions down.
i mean if he took some swiss original stuff or those with clear french roots etc ok
but literaly ALL LEOPARDS even 140mm, skyranger 30s and so on and on ???
would make CRAM truck possible
Probably, im hoping with new SPAA we see US and Norwegian NASAM high mobility
the 140mm is too far tbh, france already has 140mm stuff
SLAMRAAM racing will be very funny
the nasam for sweden and germany would be the fast easy implemenation with iris-t for germany and aim 9x for norwegian maybe. or iris-t if they realy lazy
True, didn’t the US drop the project because of the 2010 economic problems? Iirc Norway ended up finishing the project after the US pulled out.
More type 93 esq vehicles pls snail
i think the future for US air defence will be reducing SP for pure CAP loadouts though since thats what our doctrine revolves around, SLAMRAAM-ER will be somwhat useful but still overshadowed
F-22 with AIM-120 will be the best US SPAA
Too be fair, Norway and Sweden have some very unique spaa option of both IRIS-T and 9X with different vehicles. One of the few nations that could get multiple options for SPAA, im biased though because BAMSE is a silly vehicle just like NASAM High mobility.
I haven’t seen too much for the platforms for Germany so i am not well versed in their options unfortunately. Ill have to check them out.
honestly still prefer the one i posted
I just like having multiple options i have no favorite lol
this is a wet dream , wait until 2027
it can actually come without HMD, with only 9M and 120A equivalent missile, and only APG-77
the armament would be the same as what we have now and it doesnt have an HMD in early versions
accidentaly typed 9X instead of 9M lol
Meh, if only the US had gone with the Comanche maybe we’d see a actually good looking stealth aircraft.
Or the cheyenne, if only just for the ridiculous factor