On the dev stream BVVD said testing showed that automatic smoke deployment and turret rotation were not very practical. Instead, they plan to add a radar/sensor display in the future. This will let players see the approximate location of an incoming missile and manually rotate the turret towards it
I mean when the F-16A first came out, people did complain about a G limiter, it didn’t have a G limiter, but people still complained about it having one.
HA, i am not schizo…
It was there, but I cant find it in the file for the raam anymore
- New Image :
Hi, how are you? Having a good day?
wild Mod spotted!!!
this must mean… something is happening!!
I’m not sure Australia actually trialed the Vickers Mk.11, which would be the main reason it’s still got the UK flag in game. I could be wrong, there’s very little information on it, but I think it was made for an Australian requirement yet Australia never gave it much of a look.
Watch it be something like more Esports news
well, ESR is over for now…
so cant be that
watch it being something no one cares xDDD
Is it boat time?
I hope its not a boat blog
Yeah either something that no one cares about or something that enrages the community like the Auction did.
Is Mr.Bean a hint? Maybe he’s hinting british vehicles
It's going to be a Somali pirate dinghy with 2 AK-47's and an RPG
Yes, new pack premium
Watch it be an canadian or australian german vehicle for germany
Nope clearly Polish heli subtree for Japan
You know. Im suprised that this happend. You are a second person who in reaction to the current situation mentioned to me Canada or Australia. Context is a little different, but still…
Do you guys know something i dont?
The what