Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

So this suggestion


Eh, again. If it gets more Missiles or better Missiles it will probably go up. Honestly IDC if it does since Fakours are still the best long range Fox 3 available right now.

It had Afterburner?

Yeah same. I just never see the point. SRAAM may be bad, but they are way better than the Aim-9E and the FGA9 just lacks anything interesting. May even have Napalm IRL.

Needs to be converted from the Rhodesian to the RAF and then maybe it would get some interesting A2G weapons

Yeah, but also apparently the RIO for AWG 9 could make the radar do better against notching targets or something along those lines, which would be very useful on the F-14

Most likely that is the automatic mode swapping we already have modeled.

No, it needs a 13.0 IR missile now. It is stuck with AIM-9P fighting AIM-9M and R-73

How good does it work though?

Okay, damn that is cool. You may have given me a reason to grind the Swedish tree at some point

You say that like its a bad 13.0 vehicle when its not, I’ll admit P3 is meaving a lot to be wanted but its one of the best 13.0 jets ive flown easily my top 3, Su-27, F15A, and F14 IRIAF

…I’m talking about the Ariete: Ariete | War Thunder Wiki

I’m going to be frank, a premium should not require you to have completed the TT(and in turn maxed out the crew) just to play it. Yet, unless you have a max-level crew it’s unplayable.

I’m looking at you long-barreled Panzer IVs(the F2 should be 3.7, and the rest climb up in BR until the best one(H) caps them off at 4.7.

Well, before if the target notched, the PD radar would just lose the lock. Now it will switch to SRC at the right time and maintain the lock flawlessly, if they swap back to coming straight at you, it automatically swaps back to PD.

Which sounds exactly like what the RIO would be doing.

RIO probably could also adjust the radar scope and scale to narrow the beam onto the target. Radars are far less restricted in terms of search areas than they are in game iirc

Lets be real, you’re not going to do that lol. That TT is a skill check for almost the entire time you play it. Honestly impressive to meet people who grinded the entire TT with postive KD’s since you basically play worse versions or other vehicles while at a higher BR.

I don’t think it’s that bad a vehicle, CM count is alright at that BR and it’s completely carried by the missiles, but still not bad.

However I do think it could use an upgrade in it’s IR missiles to put it on more even footing at closer ranges

Yeah… This is probably true. Grindign the French TT at the moment (With the Mirage F1C-200) and then maybe do Italy after that. (I got the AMX A-1A and its kinda fun in SB)

Sweden was on my list before Britain got the Gripen. A few aircraft strike me as interesting for SB like the AJ37 but beyond that. Yeah. I dont really see much point in grinding it

If it historically used them then it should be added, ive been told R27 didn’t actually work on it so i really have no idea. Its up to gaijin in the end. And i honestly dont see them adding anything to it. Remember what happens when the snail sometimes up the BR of stuff while giving it better munitions? It then gets sent up again and suffers. Char 25 moment lol

It’s like AIM-9M for F-14B at 13.0 it’s basically required to have an all aspect ir missile or irccm

Eh, the Lansens are interesting, but you have to be a very skilled pilot and know your opponents to do well in dog fights with them. I’d say the SK 60 is silly enough to warrant grinding with its prox fuze ATGM’s i member hunting TU-4 and B29’s lol

We will wait for the snails insight on the matter

Fair enough