Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

true, could happen with Turkey sub, but i just dont think its a good fit i mean, sure, it would be good for game stuff but SK is also good for game stuff and kinda sorta owe their existence to us

Yes. I would like to see the captured Libyan pantsir in US TT

good job you don’t need any more F-35s

6 total, 3 early block, 3 late block, maybe the prototypes too for the fun of it

Sorry, My bad 😞

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This passed to the devs series contains two vehicles which have been in the files w/o being added ( A-4M and B-24M(CHN) ) and one vehicle that has been leaked ( Leopard Cockerill 3105 ).

all good m8

Britain was instrumental in the unification of the Saudi state, does that mean we can get F-15SAs?

no bc they were technically shortly operated by the USAF (also American jet), vs not once by the UK

and the US owned SK for a few years after WW2, and then was the largest force backing SK side in Korean War (yes UK fought in it too but it isnt even close), and to this day there is many US troops stationed in SK. UK already has 2 subtrees as well

infact SK is one of the most pro-US countries in the world too.

Yeah, but they “kinda sorta owe their existence to us”

Also, Saudi pilots trained in the Eurofighter in the UK, so we clearly deserve them as a subtree

Imho Saudi shouldn’t be in a sub for anyone and add stuff where it belongs


And TA-50 uses IRIS-T

Their airforce just makes it incredibly unfair as a subtree, having both F-15SA and Ef-2000 in the same subtree is both obnoxious to exclusivity and balance, same with Qatar

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yeah and there is the whole petrodollar thing thats been going for a while as well as a bunch of US troops in Saudi.

F-15SA and QA to US, EFT to UK, and Rafale to France

well its just the superior european missle

Or nothing at all, each of those trees has better domestic versions of those aircraft, its them all being put into a subtree that i have an issue with

as long as germany gets the leopard

Depends, personally I view the MICA IR, IRIS-T and ASRAAM as equals in capability with their own respective specialised areas

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well, good thing F-15SA and QA were actually in possesion of USAF and flown by US pilots for a short time

as well as being US aircraft on top of that