Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

And TA-50 uses IRIS-T

Their airforce just makes it incredibly unfair as a subtree, having both F-15SA and Ef-2000 in the same subtree is both obnoxious to exclusivity and balance, same with Qatar

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yeah and there is the whole petrodollar thing thats been going for a while as well as a bunch of US troops in Saudi.

F-15SA and QA to US, EFT to UK, and Rafale to France

well its just the superior european missle

Or nothing at all, each of those trees has better domestic versions of those aircraft, its them all being put into a subtree that i have an issue with

as long as germany gets the leopard

Depends, personally I view the MICA IR, IRIS-T and ASRAAM as equals in capability with their own respective specialised areas

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well, good thing F-15SA and QA were actually in possesion of USAF and flown by US pilots for a short time

as well as being US aircraft on top of that

that works for me

YOU HAVE THE EX, stop being greedy and request you own airframe

in before the qatar or saudi arabian playerbase starts complaining that their stuff is getting split up between different nations

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QA is almost the same exact airframe as the EX lol,Lauren%20Kelly)
Crew Ejects From Qatari F-15QA Fighter While On The Ground At Airport Near St. Louis

Exactly, You. Don’t. Need it

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oh, but it has a MAWS unlike the EX, and a different RWR, and less countermeasures, and different armament

read the article too about the crash, it literally says they were in USAF possesion and flown by USAF pilots (both survived)

i am happy that that argument doesnt work for the Leopard 2a7Q, because for ground you actualy need multiple vehicles for an actual line up

so, one rule for you and another for everyone else?

I mean OPEC is a textbook cartel

US troops are in half the countries of the world

But by your own argument about South Korea, the UK’s role in the founding of the Saudi state should be the trump card.

Or it the rule maybe not so hard and fast as you suggested?

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which one? the A8?

Simply not worth developer time or effort, if the US one is so bad then blame Boeing, not pollute the forums with requests for a virtually identical airframe that isn’t american (doesn’t belong in the US tree since there are already alternatives)

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basicaly a 2a7+/V