Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You’re one to talk lol

ngl you arent exactly innocent either, the idea of a US subtree itself is considered ragebait by some

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the M22 should be in the UK tree, Britain was the only one to field it in war and it was build for them as a replacement for tetrach (although the tetrach is better in game)


Well, Great Britain is the most beautiful country in the world


Its true

Speaking of lend- lease and Gaijin’s love of C&P where is the UKs Sherman V

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someone has never seen the parts of Scotland without the scottish


but made in US with US parts by US workers with a US gun and iirc tested by US

It shouldn’t be. Everyone should get subtrees so that more countries are in game imo.

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Bruh i live in the irish part of Scotland lmao

17,184 reasons for the UK to be a US subtree

that is true, sorry.

The whole of Great Britain is beautiful, dare I even include Wales

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yellowstone better lol

Colorado better than Wyoming

correct. do think export vehicles should be in their producers tree just like its in the users tree, even if they themselves never used them. Its the whole reason why I want a vickers E in the UK tree

That is fair sorry

lol our national parks combined are nearly as big as the whole UK

dare i sound like an arrogant Englishman and say “whats the difference”? I live in London so I cant say anything