Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I wouldn’t mind, but then I need something at 8.3 in the TT after Cent Mk 10 to fill out my 8.3 line-up. Tho, that might just end up being one of the only times I use a sub-tree thing outside of the sub-tree slot.

I mean literaly just look at india

Don’t worry, I just need one more, one more and a full 10 vehicle Marksman lineup will be possible.

I have abandoned any hope in British naval, forget about them, The Naval is like a sinking like the Titanic.

Not when it comes to my opinion 😜

FV101 S530, twin 20mm with 300 rounds per gun ready to fire, no stab, 40-50 degrees a second turret rotation, maybe DM63 is Gaijin is feeling funky, french can get the same turret on the AML. Probably be 6.7-7.0 imo.

Could also get some of the Malcos Manpads.


Goedemorgen, i’ve got a question.
Why has Gaijin chosen for Benelux sub-tt instead of some African nation sub-tt that already uses French export vehicles?

Benelux could have easily been a independent sub-tt, especially with how big naval is and their future proof-ness when it comes to stealth etc…

African nations like Botswana and Algeria use French produced and modified vehicles. Including for air. So it would make more sence to me, to add these nations as sub-tt instead. Just like South-Africa and India for Great Britain.

Honestly they probably chose the Benelux because it has access to the F-35 in the far future.

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There was a desire to see BeNeLux representation in game and we very much wanted to give it a place too. As has already been explained quite a few times, BeNeLux didn’t have enough practical and viable vehicles to support itself as an independent tree without itself also needing some form of sub tree(s) or something else.

The French tree was the most logical fit and it also helped to satisfy many current and future gaps in the french tree with vehicles France otherwise would not have access too.


The Australian M1A1 AIM is not in the US tree because of “BS reasons”, same for the Canadian 2A4M in the German tree lol.


I really just wish the Dutch specifically would have been given to Germany. Their ground forces are already integrated into the German army IRL, and it would have been nice to have gotten a F-16AM in the German air tree. I would also argue that France did not need Leopard 2s in their ground tree.

I do wonder though, should we expect more top tier Leopards to be added to France?

Yeah oké, you have said that multiple times.

But what about some African representation? France seams to be the only option, unless a combined African arms TT is planned.

What African country operates the F-35 that France could get?

Most of Africa countries use imported or modified foreign weapons, I think they can go back to where it from.

Algeria doesn’t use any french vehicle, it’s mostly russian and chinese ones so it wouldn’t make sense. Same for Botswana. The only thing I could find is the Panhard armored car which is probably not even used anymore.

Na, no chance we see a 22 with the 9M or C1…we will see 9X and 120D on 4.5 before we see end tier stealth.

South Africa not enough African representation?

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We have a South African Sub tree with multiple unique vehciles and a Rhodesian Hunter. However there is always the possibility of more if a suitable candidate with a purpose arises.

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Te-Ke would be an cool light vehicle to see
37mm or 7.7mm, idk if it’s gonna be good